Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Samantha Ferguson: An Old LPS Self-Inserted OC

 And not to mention that they're traced from the 2012 show as well. Besides, this is just a silly self-inserted character that I've made somewhere in the middle 2010's as she was supposed to be like this long-lost sister of Russell's family. But this character to me, didn't go anywhere as much after a while.

And I already know that her outfit is just a straight up rip-off and recoloring of Kasane Teto's clothing (aside from wearing the headset that Teto wore that isn't featured onto this character). Plus, I won't be making any more content with her as I already have my other partially self-inserted character (Stella Armstrong) along with a true OC (Jupy Gluck) as I'll be making more content with 'em in the future.

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