Friday, February 2, 2024

Punirunes/Punirunzu: All Characters in English! (So Far in 2021-2024)

 I'm honestly excited to see Punirunes back just this recently as TAKARA TOMY just announced a brand-new virtual pet toy that would expand upon its characters and the franchise! Speaking of its characters, there will be new ones into this "next generation" along with bringing back some of the previous Punirunes like Airun and much more! Not to mention that this brand-new installment is called: 'Punitomo Tsuushin' where you can have to two different Punirunes in the same room as play buddies rather than just a single one that you got to take care of. And it's basically like Tamagotchi Connection (along with other future Tamagotchi installments) all over again but just without the marriage/breeding stuff. I will also try to translate all the characters' names along with their character detail/description (CD) as possible even if my translations may not be 100% correct here.

Name: Airun

CD: Positive! Glutton/Big Eater

Note: The music note was the only thing added onto Airun's CD.

Name: Akarun

CD: Its round body is adorable

Name: Kuurun

CD: Always cool and likes to clean!

Name: Hapirun

CD: Secretly brings happiness!

Note: The second one looks like more of a finalized illustration rather than that sketchy look like the first one had. 

Name: Babyrun

CD: Have fun with this baby!!

Name: Enerun

CD: Very energetic and also good at exercising!

Name: Poirun

CD: Looks firm, but forgetful!

Name: Bearun

CD: Likes to be relaxed and very slow

Name: Pururun

CD: Gentle and very quiet!

Name: Wafrun

CD: Looks upset but just goofy!!

Name: Raburun

CD: Adorable and popular with everyone!

Note: Raburune's pose is mirrored/flipped in the second one.

Name: Ranrun

CD: Always together as two good friends

Note: I thought they were twins all along! But I guess not?

Name: Mnyarun

CD: Looking sleepy but also cute!

Name: Ururun

CD: A crybaby but can draw well

Name: Purirun

CD: Going their own way while also likes to rock out

Name: Makirun

CD: Honest and very serious!

Name: Nerurun

CD: Comfortable by taking it easy

Name: Zourun

CD: Stumpy face but also very sweet

Name: Nyarurun

CD: Always going my pace while feeling relieved!

Note: Had to translate this as Nyarurun's POV (point of view) here.

Name: Berryrun

CD: Loves strawberries to be super stylish

Name: Pafuerun

CD: Who's lonely and pretty needy!

Name: Sushirun

CD: In a good mood, it transforms into sushi!

Note: The same can be said here on what I've just exactly said with Hapirun's case.

Name: Pikarun

CD: Serious and deadpan! But also loves to study

Name: Aorun

CD: Its plump shape is comfy

Name: Kiirun

CD: Those round eyes are cute

Name: Usarun

CD: Loves carrots♥ Hates on losing!

Name: Bakerun

CD: Gets scared but likes to surprise!

Name: Togerun

CD: A rugrat with a spiky head!

Name: Pekopuni

These two are originally exclusive to the Punirunes PuniPlus (basically like "Punirunes 2.0" or "Punirunes Deluxe" if you get what I'm saying here) and so far on what I can find about them is that they don't have a mini profile + CD on the official website at the time but what I can tell you about these two are based on the duo artist(s) named: Pekopa. And not to mention that these two appeared in the Punirunes anime!

Akarun has a brand-new look here!

CD: Its little ear is so cute!

Now we got a CD change for Babyrun for this "new generation"...

CD:  A baby that is a spoiled one.

Plus, Kiirun has a new look and a CD change too!

CD: Its chubby body is adorable

Even Aorun has it too!

CD: It has cute round eyes♪

Name: Tomorun

CD: Loves making friends! And always looking for excitement

Name: Kapurun

CD: Loves to eat while feeling hungry

This one is Zourun but with two shades of blue and teal.

Name: Runrun

CD: Does forelock otaku activities!

Name: Puirun

CD: Looks angry but is actually kind at heart!

Name: Utarun

CD: Loves to sing so much♪

This one is Nyarurun but with a lighter look while eveything else is still the same.

Name: Piyorun

CD: Who likes to be very chatty

This one is Berryrun but with more pink this time!

This one is Usarun but just with a darker shade of two different kinds of blues.

Name: Ikarun

CD: Is shy towards other "Punis" but wants to get along with everyone

Name: Devirun

CD: Who's like 'Angelrun' but does the exact opposite

Name: Angelrun

CD: Makes everyone feel positive with their bow and arrow of happiness 

Name: Hikarun

CD: Who's a very shy light that makes everyone feel better

Name: Yunirun (Unirun)

CD: Who knows the names about the Punirunes, but hasn't seen them

Just like with Tamagotchi that I'm gonna compare more with Punirunes here is that most of the characters' names all end with "run" just like how most of Tamagotchi's characters' end with "tchi". Not to mention that Punirunes is heavily inspired by Tamagotchi to say at least. I also want to see Punirunes get a western release that can be officially translated like Tamagotchi has gotten over the years! If that ever happens, maybe we can get exclusive Punirunes that's only made for the western release just like how Tamagotchi had Bill who was based on Bill Clinton for its western release back in the day?  I was thinking about the Warner siblings (from Animaniacs) having a collab with Punirunes if that would ever work. Besides, I more than just post my PriPara 3DS pics and I'm trying to have a bit of a variety here like a DeviantArt page of mine if I ever had one. "But why you don't go on DeviantArt?"

Well, I'm just not sure lately if I ever want to or not. Of course, you got some great talented artists on there but there's also crappy or mediocre ones who do fetish art up the wazoo that I've seen over the years honestly. But hey, that's up to me if I ever want to be on DeviantArt.

So, see you later next time!


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