Tuesday, October 29, 2024

BAB Glam Punk Chuck Concept Art

 If the "Avenger" era of Chuck traded this look that had the 90's neon fashion look for a "glam punk" look... Even I had to tone some things down than I originally intended to be like there were supposed to be more spikes on his shoulders, the gloves ended up turning into wristbands (more likely leather ones, that is) since it was hard to draw it that detailed on a plush concept and the same goes for the pants as well. And it's also trying to keep up with his own dignity for the sake for it as I'm not trying to make it "too inappropriate" for him as for those reasons why I had to tone it down as well. And if he was animated for the commercials like I have now for him, he wouldn't be that bad to play around with. Not to mention that the glitter shoes would almost look identical to the "inspiration image" of the shoe itself as you'll see the inspiration compilation down below.

Inspirations for Chuck's "glam punk" look:

Any of these images shown here do NOT belong to me anyway and you can reverse image search for them if you want to (highly recommended to use Google though).

A close of the drawing itself since I did use a few of my glitter pens to capture some of that glam in there for the hat, shoes, pants and a part of the vest!

I guess you can kind of see the glitter on his hat though, but I didn't want to take dozens of pics just for this close-up shot if any of ya guys could possibly see the glitter in some way or not. After all, I finally got this freakin' idea out of my head on how the costume is supposed to look like after it's been MONTHS being inside my head! As for the "C" on his shirt, I did a bit of a twist on it to make it look like the bottom part was melting à la melting cheese that's in the vein of dripping blood to have a bit of that edgy look to it. And I feel like I'm gonna draw more of this glam punk Chuck one of these days, but yet again, there's other ideas that I got mind him to draw him even more!

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