Monday, November 18, 2024

Avenger Chuck "Precious Boy" Whisper

 And hot take coming through, he's cuter and better than freakin' Woody Woodpecker if we're talking about this Chuck E.! Especially on what I'm seeing with Annalise (AKA Animaniacslover666 on DA) is weird like making Woody "impersonating" Hello Kitty à la Pokémon evolution just because he's likely jealous of Hello Kitty's popularity or wanting his fans back for whatever reason that Annalise posted about lately. Speaking of Woody for a moment here, I never got into Woody as much and only watched that "Niagara Fools" cartoon as that one gag of the barrels going down Niagara Falls while the crowd watching goes "HOORAY!" everytime that happened was like the only thing that stuck with me that I thought it was funny so far. But to me, those Avenger CEC commercials (when it comes to some of them in the "cartooniest" way), are just better and more rememberable on a first watch in my opinion.

Made this "Whisper" through the "Whisperer" site that you can find. The shot that Chuck is from is actually from that one commercial featuring a falling piano that he was on. And of course, that commercial gives off pretty big Looney Tunes vibes for me. Even I love the face that he does as he reacts to that quarter flying up into the air just before the piano hits to the ground as he's still on it. Even I still like to call him "precious boy" from time to time for some reasons that you might already know of by now if you're on this blog before.

💜💚💛💚 ~End of post~ 💚💛💚💜

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