Friday, January 31, 2025

Some Translations From That Fortune Telling Game (Punirunes PuniPlus/Puni+)...

 Since Spin Master didn't even dared to touch upon this game to see on what it could've been like to translate its sayings from the toy itself, I thought I would do this for myself. As on how the game would go, you have to touch this guy's head more than once if you want him to get your latest fortune anytime you play this game.

Anyway, here's the first translation here...

Translation (from DeepL and Google Translate that I'm using in this case alongside with some tweaks to some of these translations if it depends so):

"Maybe a fortune is waiting for you?!"

Onto the next one...

Translation: "The squishy-ness would calm you down♪"

Next one...

Translation: "There's a day to improve concertation♪"

Next one...

Translation: "Let's try something challenging!" (A part of me feels like there was a number within this one...)

Well, I wanted to get some more but the camera doesn't come out right with its pics whenever it's blurry sometimes. Especially whenever I needed to translate the text to grab it as I put the image in reverse search within Google without saying the wrong stuff on the image. And I'll certainly do a part 2 on this mini game whenever I can sometime soon! Even I'll do another part 2 on my Punirunes setup post as well.

P.S. Let me know if any of the translations are wrong (as any mistakes are spotted for sure).

Thursday, January 30, 2025

From A Certain Event...

 And it's one of those times that I've tried to capture all of them before this event was gone for good!

And I also captured two Junon and Pinon shots for the heck of it...

Whenever the next event will be, I'll screen capture those characters wearing a different set of coords next time!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

WB Studio Plushies With My Punirunes Lanyard

 I decided to do this for the heck of it as I recently played with my Punirunes... 🙂

"Hey, you kids, quit playing with that!",  As I would say to them in a annoyed tone. And man, it's been years ever since I played with a virtual pet within a long time! Ever since I had my virtual pet Jilly (who was from ZhuZhu Pets) when I was a kid like over a decade ago (but I had to give it away to some little girl from the mid 2010's as I can remember so far since I wasn't that much of a big fan of ZZP fan anymore and that doesn't mean that I hate ZZP right there honestly).

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Some Shots of Avenger Chuck From The "Explanator Mom" Commercial

 I think I might have found my latest favorite commercial for this year (despite the fact that I already know that this one came out like two decades ago as I was saying). I just love those mischievous expressions that he does in the beginning! And should I say kinda flirty too?

Screenshotted by yours truly through a certain YouTube video that you can easily find on there! And I also included the mom from that commercial that I'm talking about in some way.

P.S. Oh, did I mention that he sings in this one? Even there's some 2000's merchandise in the background!

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