Monday, March 4, 2024

Some Punirunes/Punirunzu Korean Version Translations (AKA Malangpuni) Through the 1.0 Version ONLY

 Yep, it's time to do another post about Punirunes! And with this time, it's gonna be about the Korean version called: "Malangpuni". Even though I'm gonna translate everything if I ever had a Korean version of the toy, but I'll translate on some things that I can find through the internet so far.

So, with this first one, it's basically about how your Punirune can grow up within hours and days before it leaves you (but at least it doesn't die on you unlike your average Tamagotchi would).

And yeah, the images will still be in Korean, but I will try to translate them as I can while using Google Translate in some way even though it won't be totally correct, but I'll try to fix that as possible.

Babypuni: After 6 hours, it'll transform into a "Kidspuni" (or I'll like to call it a "Punikid" in my opinion).

Mixpuni: Let's mix and knead!

➡️ Kidspuni (or Punikid that I'll call that child form my way): After 24 hours, it'll transform into an "Adultpuni".

Mixpuni: Let's mix and knead!

➡️ Adultpuni: After 96 hours, it'll say goodbye and a new baby appears.

And here's how your baby can evolve into a kid!

The first one is...

Babypuni (AKA Babyrun in the Japanese version)

Through the three colors there are...

Red Soft 🔴 (AKA "Akapuni" or "Redpuni" in Romaji/Japanese and English)

Yellow Soft 🟡 (AKA "Kipuni" or "Yellowpuni" in Romaji/Japanese and English)

Blue Soft 🔵 (AKA "Aopuni" or "Bluepuni" in Romaji/Japanese and English)

And through each single color, you get any of one of these kids that are named...

Redpuni (AKA Akarun in Romaji/Japanese)

Yellowpuni (AKA Kiirun in Romaji/Japanese)

Bluepuni (AKA Aorun in Romaji/Japanese)

Plus, here's what you can do with your Punirune!

Have a lot of fun while using with that soft button inside!


Give Food

Play (Games)

Change Clothes



Aside from the Babypuni and the Kidspuni, here's the rest of the other Punirunes that are adults shown here! And please keep in mind this set of characters shown here are from the first version of Punirunes before Puni Plus came out in both Japan and Korea. Plus, I'll go line by line straight across with the adults here...

1. "Salangpuni" (AKA Airun in Romaji/Japanese and it can also mean "Lovepuni" since Salang and Ai can both mean "love").

2. "Heartpuni" (AKA Raburun in Romaji/Japanese)

3. "Twinspuni" (AKA Ranrun in Romaji/Japanese)

4. "Sushipuni" (AKA Sushirun in Romaji/Japanese)

5. Hmm... I'm not sure with this one as I tried translating it, but the possible names can be Puppuni, Barkpuni, or Dogpuni since any of them could be Wafrun's name in the Korean language.

6. "Berrypuni" (AKA Berryrun in Romaji/Japanese)

7. "Neulimbopuni" (AKA Nerurun in Romaji/Japanese and can also mean "Slowpuni" or "Slothpuni".)

8. "Eosuseonpuni" (AKA Poirun in Romaji/Japanese and can also mean "Messypuni" or "Clutterpuni".)

9. I'm not sure with this one either but I hope it's something like "Punkpuni" or "Rockpuni" in English for Puirun's name in the Korean language.

10. "Kokkiiipuni" (AKA Zourun in Romaji/Japanese and can also mean "Elephantpuni".)

11. Well, I'm not sure on this one either since I hope it's just "Catpuni" or "Meowpuni" if it was translated into English from Nyarurun's name in the Korean language.

12. This one might be off since I'll be putting a question mark here... "CheogCheogbagsapuni?" (AKA Pikarun in Romaji/Japanese and it can possibly mean "Dr. Checkcheckpuni"...?)

13. I'm sure that this one is named "Crypuni" since Ururun is quite a crybaby honestly.

14. "Geobjaengipuni" (AKA Pururun in Romaji/Japanese and it also means "Cowardpuni".)

15. "Jamkkuleogipuni" (AKA Mnyarun in Romaji/Japanese and it also means "Sleepyheadpuni".)

16. Hopefully this one is called "Parfaitpuni" since that's what Pafuerun is honestly.

17. "Beeopuni" (AKA Bearun in Romaji/Japanese and it also means "Bearpuni".)

18. "Tokkipuni" (AKA Usarun in Romaji/Japanese and it also means "Rabbitpuni".)

Before I get into the other three adults that I'll be translating and talking about, here's a link to this Korean blog on where I got this chart of all the main Punirunes characters at: 어린이장난감 추천_말랑쁘니 전격분석(feat.진화, 비밀번호 등) : 네이버 블로그 (

The first one is called: "HappyPuni" (AKA Hapirun/Happyrun) and here's what the character is about... "It's a very healthy and soft pet that catches a rainbow when it flies in the sky with a bright smile."

The second one is called: "Eungagapuni" (or "Poopuni" and AKA Makirun) and here's what the character is about... "It can't miss the favorite toilet seat while its serious little thing with a serious look on its face."

And the last one is called: "Yogoepuni" (or "Monsterpuni" and AKA Bakerun) and here's what the character is about... "Comes out of nowhere! And it surprises you and laughs." In my opinion though, it should be called "Ghostpuni" at least.

Plus, that picture that you'll see of those other three adults came from the same Korean blog that the image was also there. Even you can help me out on getting the translations better if you want! Anyway, I'm only touching on the 1.0 version as the title says so and I'll get into the Puni Plus version sometime later on in a future post. So, see you later next time!


  1. Scusami , ma esiste veramente il togerun ?

    1. Sei svegliooooooo??????

    2. Perhaps? I dunno... After all, it's been a while since I touched on the Korean version though.


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