Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Just Reposting This...

I know not many people will read this post (unless if I'm wrong then) but I'm just reposting this one rant from a previous short-lived blog of mine (in which I'm gonna say what it is right now and I also privated it since I don't wanna disrespect that said artist that I'm going to say here) that was dedicated to an artist at the time that I wanted to revive a certain Facebook page that was also dedicated to an artist that I loved at the time.

"Please note that this blog post is written from someone's memory on what actually happened in real life and may sound nonsensical to some people who are about to read this.

Yes, I'm the same person writing this who created this blog who also created that unofficial Facebook page that's now dead. If Nico himself likes it or not... And I'll be discussing on why I came back for this instance and what I've been through that I'll say in an honest way without trolling anyone (if anyone thinks like that). I don't even troll people that much than what they think! This post will also contain minor swearing as I got frustrated with a certain individual (or two) on Facebook for those want a warning out of me. Besides, this post is for people that want to see the truth in me who remember that incident back then. Without further ado, here we go. 

back in early February, Cure Nico released a brand new fanart exclusively on his official Twitter and Instagram accounts that had one of the characters from "Hirogaru Sky! Precure/Pretty Cure" in which that was Cure Sky and I freakin' loved it on how it looked fantastic! 🤩 Besides, I'm actually a fan of his fanarts and I tried to respect him as much as possible (despite myself being a bit of a child inside me when something doesn't go my way). Don't say I can't, Kesley!  😠🫵 We'll get to her as she becomes more important during the controversy later on. Anyway, a few days later when that fanart was up, the artist himself took it down on both sites and suggests me on my own unofficial page dedicated to his art to do the exact same thing as he did. When I first heard that from him, I was in shock and my mind went nuts! 😲 He told me nothing more than just that and I desperately wanted the context for what specific reasons he might have in mind back then. But in actuality as I checked back to look on his Twitter, he just redid that Cure Sky fanart basically. 🤷‍♀️

And this is where this one individual named; Kesley Foster decided to call me out for my actions. I know what I did was wrong when it came to my behavior during that controversy that I should deal with it in a much more mature way than just crying about it like a child would do, but I didn't like her negativity [along with another certain individual in which I forgot their name who wanted to join Kesley's side as well adding more fuel to the fire] towards me despite not taking down that one Cure Sky fanart right away. *sigh* I didn't mean to be disrespectful towards Nico, did I? 🤨 I also can't stand the fact that she laughs at me constantly through some of the comments that I've personally said. 😒 I feel like I should've listened to the mature version of myself on how I should've dealt with this situation better instead of Kesley's obnoxious ass all along. Her comments involving "LOL" at the end of her sentences don't help either and makes me feel uncomfortably annoyed that I don't want to talk to her. After I finally took down that one Cure Sky fanart, I try to write a decent apology to see how that goes and of course, Kelsey's like: "You're not playing victim.  💀" But I actually didn't mean to play that way, I was trying to call myself out for what I've done in the past for being in a similar situation that I would like to point out, y'know! 😅🤦‍♀️ I was also trying to end that controversy to get it over with for good and these controversies like to drag out things then they should be when I'm involved in them, and I get pretty mentally exhausted from those kinds of conversations. Yes, I knew that Nico was the real victim of it all people.  🙄 I didn't even like how Kesley and that other individual say "bro" at me sometimes. I just prefer the hippie equivalent (AKA "Dude") over that black slang any day in my opinion. And don't get me started with on how Kesley said: "Say hi for Twitter for me". 🙄

I also knew some people would confuse me as if I'm the real artist at times. I even made a Facebook group for Cure Nico just simply called; "Cure Nico Forever!" but one of the reasons on why I took that group down is because I feel like the group wasn't popular enough in a similar vein as the page was. Back then the group had over one hundred members while the page had over four thousand followers at the time. And fewer reasons on why I took that group down is because I had enough of Kelsey and other certain individual's words that I felt embarrassed about, and I felt like Nico himself didn't want that group to exist anyway. Not actually because I was "disingenuous and slimy" at the time, Kesley! 😠 (That was a real thing that she said to me through a PM on Facebook despite the fact that I have no screenshot of it.) 😐

And some days later at the beginning of March (or was it the end of February?), Nico himself said to me he wanted my page down because I disrespected himself and his own art. *sigh* 😔 Nico, if you're reading this blog post, why did you betray me like that? 😟 You could've given me a second chance to start over again and keep my page after what I've been through, and I know I overreacted during that controversy, and I also could've asked your permission last year before I started to create that fan page but, last year was a bit of a different year that you'll have to realize... And so were you in a positive light that you were honestly happy to see a fan posting your artwork on a social media platform that you barely use (even to this day) during the summer of 2022. And then, you took that positivity away and backstabbed me than you actually needed to. ☹️ 

At the end of the day, it was all a misunderstanding that we all went through for what I can say so far."

I had to look up on what that skull emoji meant recently, and it could be used for laughing in recent times that can be positive or negative. I also originally wrote this back last year ago as I'm writing this with a bit of grammar change in there. I'm even trying to respect artists more often nowadays despite frustrating experiences happen like this one! And the fact that I HATE on being misunderstood lately.

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