Wednesday, May 8, 2024

If VOCALOID Characters Cosplayed These Cartoon Characters in Project DIVA MEGAMIX♪

 If Len and MEIKO cosplayed Ren and Stimpy, it would've looked something like this:

And I know it's not done in the best way as it should've been, but it's just an attempt since I can't mod at the moment.

Here's both Mikus cosplaying Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny!

Bugs does have any visible whiskers, but he doesn't have any visible whiskers like when he was a baby like the Baby Looney Tunes version, but they're just there even when this game. Had to make an edit here since what was I thinking when I said he didn't have any whiskers?!? lol... 😅

And here's KAITO as Buster and Luka as Babs!

The songs that appear in the pictures are:

Remote Control/Rimokon

Rin-Chan Now!

Summer Idol

P.S. I'm not gonna mention the module parts at the moment.

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