Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Some Made-Up Crossovers That I've Made in Project DIVA MEGAMIX♪ Without Modding 'Em!

 And the fact that I've played this on the Switch though!

In these two photos are: Wakko (KAITO), Haruka Nana (Miku), Kasane Teto as herself, Dot (Miku), SpongeBob (Rin).

Rin as SpongeBob and Miku as Yakko in these next six photos:

Miku as both Yakko and MC Skat Kat:

Miku as Gummibär, MC Skat Kat and Yakko while Luka's Paula Abdul here:

Rin as SpongeBob and Miku as Squidward:

P.S. Didn't create a custom t-shirt in this case here as I had to use one of the non-custom t-shirts that were in the game. Plus, I got inspired by Minnemi with their own UTAU cover of the song.

Miku as Dot and KAITO as Wakko:

Rin as Brain and Len as Pinky:

And I know this one isn't that great here... Even they barely look like the characters, but I tried here.

Miku as Wakko and KAITO as Wakko:

Finally, here's KAITO as Wakko once again...

Yes, I know it's a Puyo Puyo hat up there.

Miku as MC Skat Kat and Luka as Paula Abdul:

Or at least look like something Paula Abdul would wear in a way.

Not gonna mention the songs or the module parts that appear in the game this time around.

P.S. I know I went crazy with the tags down below in this post.

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