Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Well, Who Cares Anyway? 🤷‍♀️

 Aside from my Wakko's Wish hot takes, I also have a hot take on the Warners being in MultiVersus. And as you can probably tell by the title already, I just simply don't care if they're in the game or not. After all, it's from a game that WB is trying to have its own version of those Super Smash Bros. or Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl games, and I feel like every well-known company or franchise does NOT need its own version of that kind of game. Heck, there used to a lot of racing games been made based on a certain franchise or company that you might've liked! And speaking of racing games, even Animaniacs was gonna have its own racing game called the "Animaniacs Grand Prix" at some point before it got scrapped that you can find information about the game on the Animaniacs Wiki site for yourself.

Just a screenshot off of stinkin' Twitter and find the link yourself because, I'm not gonna put it here this time! 😒

Probably I would rather prefer a remaster of "The Great Edgar Hunt" game (Because man, those 3D models did not age well and they're somewhat hard to look at for my eyes.) or just a rhythm game something like Project DIVA, PriPara or whatever as long if it's honestly good in my book. 

P.S. I'm not tagging MultiVersus into this post and probably this is the only post that I will ever talk about that game.

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