Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Meme About Two "Adorkable" Fellas with Rare Moments of Their Caps Off!

 Not gonna lie, they are both so cute without their caps on! 😊 And I could even argue that Avenger Chuck is more "adorkable" than Wakko is but take your pick on that matter.

I also used the Avenger version of the logo despite the fact the "Coach/Cool Chuck" was still there in some commercials until 2004. Speaking of "Coach/Cool Chuck" here, did you know that the early commercials on where Chuck gained that latest outfit at the time on how he used to look like with his big "rat-like" snout like Coach/Cool Chuck has? Well, I'm certainly glad they changed it to make it smaller sometime during 2001 since it really doesn't look that cute unlike the finalized version of the character IMO. After all, it just looks off putting to see him like that since I'm not that used to the Avenger version of the character in its early years back in the late 90's. And not to mention the "rat-like" snout was also kept onto "Coach/Cool Chuck" too.

Plus, say what you will about the Avenger version of Chuck being "hip and cool" back in the day, but I just find him to be freaking cute regardless of that aspect of him! He's also got the better charisma than Asha from Disney's Wish! Or I could say "Dullsha" on how her character is executed in my opinion. Even many of the other characters from that movie are just weirdly written for the worst unfortunately. Aside from talking about Wish movie that many critics and Disney fans sure do love to talk about on how "godawful" it was, at least stuff like the Avenger era for CEC was quite a hit for the kids (And for the parents?) at the time, and for me, I have a soft spot for that era lately (despite the fact I never went to a local CEC around my area since we've been on a fixed income for years now along with some other compilated problems that were also in the way). Anyway, see you later within the next post!

P.S. Original template: hello person from Meme Generator - Imgflip

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