Monday, June 10, 2024

Avenger Chuck But He Baby 🥺

 Yep, I drew him if he was a toddler as we might've seen him!

And I know it's not in the best in quality here. Of course, he doesn't have his arm pads or his knee pads shown here in which they're likely a bit too much for a toddler's size I'll say. Not to mention that this is partially traced off from a Baby Looney Tunes coloring book mainly featuring Marvin the Martain.

Speaking of Baby Looney Tunes, I used to watch that show as a little kid but I'm just not a fan of it nowadays since I'm a lot more of a fan of the classic Looney Tunes that I'm into. Aside from that, I know I'm supposed to draw Avenger Chuck in the style of PaRappa the Rapper at some point, but I just wanted to get this one out of the way first.

P.S. This like my first reaction to him:

This is Sakura from that latest AiPri episode (as I'm writing this out) on where she did this reaction that I can relate to when I saw Chuck like this!

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🎸🟩🟨 i need their wardrobe (cool and avenger chuck e. cheese edition) 🟨🟩🎸

  Another Chuck E. meme because, why not? And I'm a girl that wants to wear 'em in some way lol. Template used: https://www.pinteres...

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