Monday, June 10, 2024

Karate Kick Yakkis

 Basically my parody of 'Hong Kong Phooey' mixed with TMNT 2012 for this design of Yakko here.

I know that the belt is lopsided here. But anyway, I've seen 'Hong Kong Phooey' before as a kid since my mom grew up with that show and wanted to be the titular character for Halloween as she mentioned in the past but actually did not ever get the chance as I remember so far.

And when it comes to TMNT 2012, I've heard of the show and Rob Paulsen playing the character as I mentioned in the drawing but never watched it at all before since I'm not that much of a TMNT fan.

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🎸🟩🟨 i need their wardrobe (cool and avenger chuck e. cheese edition) 🟨🟩🎸

  Another Chuck E. meme because, why not? And I'm a girl that wants to wear 'em in some way lol. Template used: https://www.pinteres...

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