Friday, June 7, 2024

What If Avenger Chuck Sang M@GICAL CURE! LOVE SHOT!...?

 Say, is it just me or I love on how this song really has those Nurse Witch Komugi vibes to it? Especially in the music video that the art style reminds me of the reboot that I see nobody talking about! And to be honest, I liked Nurse Witch Komugi R (despite I haven't seen the OG as of yet for this post). Anyway, this is also a bit of an idea that I wanted to get out of my head here.

Plus, I'm sure that this version of Chuck would really like this idea to upgrade his "Super Chuck E." form to trade that into a magical doctor! 😊

Even this will have Chuck's friends (AKA the rest of the Munch's Make Believe Band) to sing this song as well!

Original template:   What If This Singer Or This Character Sang This So by BTNFStudios on DeviantArt

The Lyrics & Dialogue 

Chuck: Hello everyone!

I'm Chuck E. Cheese, the hip mouse in town!

Well, that what's what everyone seems to think... but secretly I'm- Heh-heh!

All: Here we go! Here we go! Ooh, fighter!

(Super Powerful Chuck E. Cheese!)

Here we go! Here we go! Ooh, cyber!

(Chuck E. Chuck E. Chuck E. Go!)

Chuck: I wake up to a call

Put my pompous outfit on now

It's time to open up my eyes and start the day

I combat till the dawn

Until every villain's gone- AAH!

 A clumsy trip and now I've fallen to my butt

With my magical phone

And a silly little ringtone

I’ll shout a magic word and set the world in place

Whatever it may cost

There’s no reason to stop

For a world that I cherish and love

Helen, Munch, Pasqually and Jasper: (TSKR!)

Chuck: Monsters might

be a scary foe to fight

But I’ll take the stand

if I can stop your tears and wipe them dry

Jasper and Pasqually: He'll make you feel M@GICAL!

Chuck (with Helen as back-up): If my pain's a type of cure for peace, I don’t mind

I can play as a doc healing you everyday

So what if I might shed a tear, get some bruises?

A wipe is all I need to clean the cherry blush away 

Chuck: Heh!

Chuck (with Jasper as back-up): Fighting through the night, but I’m wide awake

It can all be so hard for me to get through the day

Your smile is enough to heal all my aches

Wrapped in a cute band-aid

Helen: Aww!

Chuck: I can take the pain

Fight all day

Fill up the syringe

With love heal up the world

and go again

Helen, Munch, Pasqually and Jasper: Here we go! Here we go! Ooh, fighter!

(Super Powerful Chuck E. Cheese!)

Chuck: That's right!

Helen, Munch, Pasqually and Jasper: Here we go! Here we go! Ooh, cyber!

(Chuck E. Chuck E. Chuck E. Go!)

Chuck: And now, it's time for the moment you've been waiting for!

All: 1, 2, 3!

Chuck: Ready?!


Jasper: Keep going!


Chuck: On my own

Without anyone to know

How my job’s not all rainbows

But then I think about your smile

Helen and Munch: Your words are so LYRIC⭐L

Chuck (with Jasper as back-up): I’m a magically bright invincible boy!

If you need me to heal, go on and call out my name

When you find yourself going down a spiral

I’ll bonk away what puts you down, a red mallet melee! 

Chuck: Yah!

Chuck (with Helen as back-up): Fighting through the night, but I’m wide awake

All alone it’s so hard for me to get through the rain

Your smile is enough to make my day

So I stand tall and brave

Chuck: ‘Cause I’m not afraid

Any pain

I can laugh away

Chin up

With love I’ll fight on till the end

Chuck's phone goes off in-tune with the song

Ooh, time to transform, my style!

Chuck starts to transform while his friends go "Ooooh..." in the background

Chuck: Bearing through the pain I'll try to be brave

As long as you can stay happy I’m okay

I’m not gonna bend! Heh!

Chuck (with Pasqually as back-up): I can be a cure for peace in your heart

And I’ll play as a doc healing you everyday

Your smile is enough to heal all my aches

All in a cute band-aid 

Pasqually laughs

Chuck: If you’re feeling pain

Call my name

I’ll be by your side

Till I see your smile beam bright again

Helen, Munch, Pasqually and Jasper: Here we go! Here we go! Ooh, fighter!

(Super Powerful Chuck E. Cheese!)

Chuck: Oh yeah!

Helen, Munch, Pasqually and Jasper: Here we go! Here we go! Ooh, cyber!

(Chuck E. Chuck E. Chuck E. Go!)

Chuck: Man, what a day.

Jasper: Yeah, and you should take a look at yourself from the mirror over there.

Chuck: *gasps* WHOA-OH! This means... M-M-My imagination became REAL?! A-At this very moment?! 

Helen: After all, we all did see that magical change of yours!

Munch: Yep!

Chuck: Wow... Heh-heh!

And that's basically all the lyrics and dialogue that I'm gonna write for this post... Before Chuck had that sudden transformation like his imagination "became real", he started to imaginate himself as this magical doctor as he wants to be as he sings along if you wanna know the context.

P.S. Most of the lyrics were kept from the original song as you can already see here. Besides, who wants to see Chuck and his friends getting the hologram treatment if CEC is really gonna ditch those animatronics out for good? But I would like to see the Avenger era of the gang come back that way that I'll talk about more in a future post.

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