Friday, June 7, 2024

Still Not a Fan of Reboot Dot...

 No offense for those that liked that "Cartoon-y Rights" song, but to me, that song just sounded off PERIOD. Even just down to the vocals (despite the fact that I know that the main VAs are old nowadays).

And I still just don't get why this song won an Emmy at the time. 🤷‍♀️🫤 Plus, it's not as good compared to "The Presidents" song from the OG show in which that one sounds a lot better compared to this "unnecessary slop" on what I personally call it. After all, I feel like Dot should've never gone feeling THAT upset like she was a spoiled brat kind of feminist, and it was just one of those things that made me step away from the 2020 reboot.

When it comes to that pic up above though, that's just an old Drake like meme that I created but with using Yakko instead of using Drake.

P.S. In my opinion, it was one of those things that ruined reboot version of Dot for me on how she acted in that short that I feel like her frustration should've been controlled and written better than what we got as from what I've seen so far. And as I hate to say it, many cartoon characters will never get to have a chance to vote unlike real people do in the real world.

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