Tuesday, July 23, 2024

BAB Avenger Chuck Plush Concept Base Part 1

 In my opinion, I'm not really digging into the recent Rockstar Chuck plushies (except the one Chuck plush with the headphones that I tended to like on what I saw so far) and I feel like the Rockstar era of the gang wouldn't translate well into the Build-A-Bear plush style but at the end of the day, that's just my take on how I feel about some of the recent merchandise so far. 

So, why not a throwback plushie with Avenger Chuck? I mean, it's been like a decade now since the Avenger era is in the past and we aren't gonna see it again as it once was but, there was a Funko POP! version of the Avenger era of the character as they called it "Retro Chuck E. Cheese" if I'm not mistaken there. And if there's gonna be more merchandise based on the previous eras of CEC just like on how Youtooz had their own PTT Chuck (AKA Big C) plush is a thing now, why not a BAB set of the Avenger gang? Except with Pasqually since he most likely won't be getting his own BAB styled plush for some reasons and it will be just only the clothes and accessories based on that version of the character while the other characters get their own plushies and etc.

So far I only made Chuck since I really like to draw him and the fact that I had to partially trace off a certain official BAB plush toy that I saw online and drew the rest myself from there.

Sorry if the first pic is a little blurry and I had to take a close-up shot so you can all see that one hand for the better. Not only that this is concept art but it's also a base that you can color him and give him your own set of clothes! After all, I didn't want to color him in for the entirety of the base itself but just colored in some details in there like the eyes, eyebrows, concept logo on right foot, and mouth and tongue. At least his ears aren't too big on him and they're just right on his head unlike last time with that PaRappa style drawing that I tried to draw Chuck as, that's all I can say.

I even gave Chuck some underwear since I didn't want him to be "too naked" for this concept art base.

P.S. This is only just part one as I'll certainly be doing a part two by making another concept art base of him standing instead of sitting next time.

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