Saturday, September 21, 2024

HOT TAKE: Keep It Groovin' Is Better Than Never Give Up Hope from Wakko's Wish

 Like so much better for me! And don't get me wrong, "Never Give Up Hope" is a catchy song on its own with a good message, but to me, the reprise ruins it as the Warners say "Don't be a dope!" alongside with the ending as the Warners make unnecessary wishes that are like selfish in a way like Wakko using his two Ha'pennies up for Dot's operation and the other for simply food and also getting to see the Lakers...? Especially Dot getting her way by getting a freaking "cutie mark" on her cheek that I just find it to be one of the most pointless things that Dot ever did before the reboot came out. As for Yakko though, let's just say he "perfectly" wasted his wish on a freakin' mime? And not to mention that the movie LOVES to remind ya on how it hates the character like Barn von Plotz (AKA Mr. Plotz) saying: "Clear the way, you stupid mime!" and also the scene on where he gets shot up by King Salazar's guardsmen. Jeesh, what a way to use him as a punching bag, OG writers! 😠😒

For "Keep It Groovin'" though, it's the superior and relatable version of "Never Give Up Hope" to me, even the chill reggae vibe to the song is really a nice touch to it than just making an annoying repetitive song that kills itself in the end. Even Chuck's voice having a bit of a "mature voice" than usual is a really nice layer to the song's tone. And for me, it even hits much harder with the feels than that "Keep Smiling" song that's also from the Avenger era of CEC.


As a bonus screenshot that I'm gonna add for some reason since it's related to the Wakko's Wish movie and Avenger Chuck, the FB page TRaFoN (AKA The Rise and Fall of Nickelodeon) posted about the freaking movie about that one quote about Wakko wanting to earn more for Dot's operation... And this is what I get down in the comment section of that post:

Kinda sad on how this went, but at least Avenger Chuck's smile from that one commercial right next to that boy will worth more than anything than what Wakko actually paid for in the movie! For my own eyes imo. 🙂 And screw the Ha'pennies and give me tokens instead! 😊 Even though Avenger Chuck is pretty overrated in the CEC fandom, but to me, calling him an "underrated gem" isn't wrong in my book. Especially on what I've encountered as shown in that screenshot. 

Ironically, even I see the Wakko's Wish movie being overrated within fanfiction and with the fandom with Animaniacs as I don't freaking like it at all! 😆 

But at least some bits of the movie were decent in a way despite the movie is just a time waster just to complain about just like I'm writing this post down for me.

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