Saturday, September 21, 2024

I Don't Care About This... Like Ever... 🙄😒

 And possibly so will you as you read this post here. 

Anyway, since the Animaniacs reboot got it's freakin' vinyl record soundtrack (alongside with the original series with its own vinyl record soundtrack) finally released not too long ago as I'm writing this out, it's been leaked online through goshdarn "chucking" Twitter out of all places on what the inside of the vinyl case looks like...

Link to view the whole vinyl set if you wanna see spoilers for yourself from this one shady platform:

And here are my thoughts about it as I got to get one saying out of the way first... 

"Oh boy, Dot's laughing herself and her brothers while they get nearly hit that meteor from the very final episode from season 3 out of the reboot while on Wakko's side, he's just being the usual "iPad kid" as the reboot made him that way, and for Yakko, he's probably sleeping or doing something silly, I guess."

Aside from that, inside the vinyl record, the inside cover art has many easter eggs to various episodes that are from the reboot itself that I would like to point out. Which it's nice for the fans of the reboot, I guess? But to me, I just don't care about it.

After all, I would be spending my money on that recent Himitsu no AiPri Nintendo Switch game that's gonna come out this December and not this. 🙂 Even the art for the OG series own soundtrack looks somewhat better than the reboot art in my opinion. But yet again, I have no record player and there's been like a resurgence of these vinyl records lately. 🤷‍♀️ Even I'm willing get a new computer for myself someday rather than using my mom's one computer that I'm still using to this day.

And to me it just feels strange to see Dot laughing at herself and her brothers while they're almost getting hit by that one meteor? And you know, I hate getting reminded about that STUPID scene! Didn't care if I actually watched it or not, but to me, I had this bit of a strong feeling when I heard about those spoilers about when the one episode was released with that one ending, I knew it was stupid in a way. So people can talk about on how sad it is just like what Wakko's Wish did to freaking Dot over that fake "death" scene! 😠😒🙄

Aside from talking about mostly the negative stuff here, I'll move on to something positive next time on this very blog.

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