Saturday, October 26, 2024

PriPara Halloween Stuff Part 3!

As for this one, it's gonna be a bit of a big one for some reason as you're about to see here...


Before I show the rest of the characters that I got here...

Here are a few old pics that are actually from last year!

 Anyway, here are the rest of the characters that appear on the main screen as you enter in the game!

Many shots from the Halloween themed promises that I got into! And unfortunately, I'm not gonna get into all of those "live promises" since I already missed a few by now.

A few recent photos of my very own "MyChara" before I move on onto more Halloween promises here...

Back to the Halloween promises!

Aside from Idol Land, I also got back onto that PriPara Switch since I didn't play with it in a while and Falulu/Faruru was wearing that one coord once you enter in the game as you might see her pop up as she wears this coord there...

Even I brought in Garuru and Michiru because, why not?

Aside from these recent photos that I had, the rest of these photos suited for this time of year are actually more than just a few years old now that I had to post!

I know that there wasn't that much commentary onto post like what coords the characters are wearing and whatnot but, I'm just kinda busy for some reasons and I feel like I need to get some stuff out of way while also taking my time. But there's gonna be a part four on the way!

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