Saturday, November 2, 2024

~Bootleg Miku Plush & IMPACTS CD Album~

 Most of these are photo reposts of old stuff from the middle 2010's when my mom used to be on FB as she posted about my Miku plush and the one CD album that I still have both of 'em to this day... Even they were originally taken from a camera that didn't have the best quality and colors to it.

The CD album (AKA "Hatsune Miku Best ~impacts~") unopened as the sticker said so here... 👇

The CD and the plush... 👆

The entire poster that's the full body of Miku based on the album cover itself... 👇

For those that don't know about that album that I had years ago, it's a compilation album from 2009 that has many classic VOCALOID songs such as: "Last Night, Good Night", "PoPiPo", "magnet", "Black Rock Shooter" and more!

Another pic of the plush... 👇

As for these last two pics, this one (far away and close up ones of the same photo) was taken by me instead of my mom this time as I was on my American 3DS camera back then.

P.S. Also tagging KEI down below since that artist did do the album art and that full body poster for some reason. Plus, thanks for viewing and do NOT steal!

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