Saturday, November 16, 2024

Fed Up Avenger Chuck Meme (PLUS MINI RANT)

 To me, I'm just sick and tired of being like this lately... And I certainly know first impressions can be quite the doozy as well! But when it comes to me struggling right now that it's like a long story on how my dad and I got here so far, I'm not 100% trolling at all and not everyone lives in a nice and peaceful era for sure. But, if somebody out there that wants to blame me like on why I'm not getting any help at all, it honestly says more about their freakin' problems rather than mine whenever they wanna act like that! After all, I am honestly dead serious that we do NOT live in a neighborhood that's all peaceful and welcoming at times. But hey, we just gotta put up with the BS that we can go through so far, I guess. 

Heck, should I even mention about the public schools that I used to go to in my area that those schools didn't know anything on how to handle bullying properly as at the same time, I didn't know on how to speak up for myself back in the early 2010's/late 2000's? Well, I know that people wouldn't give a care in the word whenever I talk about these personal problems that's affecting me both me and my dad for years now. Even the jobs around here that my dad has been through have been quite a pain to him as once I'll start talking about that, we'll might be here all day and the post will be long as heck! And to say that part shortly, I don't wanna be in his position to be that overwhelmed and stressed out like he was that I've heard of him whenever he's trying to help us as he can despite getting constantly screwed over! And that also means being not full payed despite working his butt off for many hours as well.

On top of it all, I tended to self-diagnose myself as OCD for now in which I can relate so much with it that I tended to have racing thoughts constantly, my sleeping hours can be off at times, have too many ideas in my head that I wanna get out despite I wanna take my time to do little as I can without overworking or even overwhelming myself when it comes to my interests, and repeat to myself as I'm talking to somebody (like my dad) on what I went through some moments sometimes. And I can even say that he has OCD as well (as he's also dyslexic too but at least I don't have that aspect like him). Not to mention that we've been trying to get myself getting diagnosed to Autism/Asperger's to see if I actually have it or not as it's been a hassle for us as time goes on ever since I was little honestly. Plus, trying to self-diagnose myself with that isn't gonna be easy as heck as that one is surely complicated for some reasons. Especially on girls/women that I've heard about that aren't that easy to diagnose unlike many boys/men out there. But I can relate totally to Autism/Asperger's at times as I can do stimming pretty often (such as rubbing my hands for example and yes, that's actually on what I do in real life).

Whenever I'm feeling moody (especially on my TOTM), just don't be all that surprised if I tend to act "rude" for a little bit, okay? After all, I'm not THAT mean as you think I would be! Heck, it's totally okay to be a little grumpy or irritable at times as long if you don't take it too far with yourself. Like I said, it's a long story and I don't like it when people try to turn it around and put the blame on me when they actually don't understand the situation that we're living in at the moment. And reading my other rant posts might give ya a better idea on where I'm coming from... maybe.

P.S. These are the reasons why I made this meme along with putting my comfort character on it.

🟢🟡🟢 ~End of post~ 🟢🟡🟢

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