Saturday, November 9, 2024

MINI RANT: Hypocrites & Unnecessary Drama...

 Welp, I guess it's time to make another one of these... And I'm starting off with the hypocrites within a certain FB crossover group that I'm in that screenshots should tell it all!

And meanwhile a post like this one that is still up to this very day (as I'm writing this out) as they don't care about despite being hypocritical liars about it that won't remove these kinds of posts and never will... Plus, sorry for no heads-up for this very instance here:

Also not tagging "you know who" down below for some reasons...

Aside from that little tidbit, here's the part that I'll be talking much more for some reason here. Especially that I got called out for being rude with my Punirunes group that I was actually frustrated like having seriousness about some thing the one day. And it was over which one was "Hapirun" that it's named got misspelled within the English version of the toy that I tended to get moody the one day that didn't go well as I thought...

So, here's the context of the post from somebody (AKA not mine):

Here's a few of those comments down below that post:

Another one:

And another one that stops here at the moment before I share a bit more:

If those two ladies are reading this post here, I would like to address this as a misinterpreting from my emotions, that of course. these people don't know who I am in real life to expect whenever I could act something like this... I know I'm not a professional speaker out there and I'm also NOT a brand new admin on FB as it's actually been like a few years ever since I ever been a FB admin for "The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group" as it was one of the first groups that I ever created honestly. Plus, the way that Alexandra said that I had a "terrible temper" did actually hurt my feelings as I actually didn't mean that way as I said so. Besides, she's so very lucky she that didn't have anybody that's around in their sixties that's so clingy to their freakin' phone as they're ready to prove you're wrong their way as they're about to literally scream on top of their lungs like a freakin' whiny child who needs better manners (or go straight into the mental asylum at least). And actually, that's what my dad had to put up with somebody that he did met in real life that acted like this: "HEY! QUIT LYING TO ME YOU LIAR!!! DOES THIS MEAN YOU WANNA START A FIGHT?!?! 😡💢"

*sighs* Sheesh, thank gosh I don't act like that online or within real life and I just felt honestly bad for my dad and for that guy's wife that divorced him to experience that kind of BS for his disgusting attitude that acts like a little brat inside of a adult man. 🤦‍♀️ Even I'm not exaggerating this on one bit as my dad met this dude who acted like that over just a simple conversation that's meant to be polite. After that sudden inappropriate outburst, he'll be like "Oh... I guess you were right." without saying sorry or even realized right away on what he did was wrong to react like that. Yeesh, I feel like Alexandra needs to rethink my behavior if that's the case. After all, it could've been worse!

Here's this one that I had to bring up a personal problem that's been affecting me and my dad for years now...

Yeah, I had to bring up this issue as I was fed up with people in the past treating me like this if my behavior was "the problem". And OH BOY, this scenario is a looooong story for sure that I don't wanna brag about it as much but, my dad really wanted to move out of this neighborhood so bad some years ago, but unfortunately things didn't happen the way as he wanted it to say it shortly.

The other responses:

While Kelly's constructive response that wanted me to say something more respectful and etc. was fine on it's own, but to Alexandra's response though, it was just a bit iffy in my opinion... While I get it that some people don't care about the problems that we share on the internet, but yet again, call outs exist whenever someone may be doing something wrong (depending on how it'll go for that kind of situation) from their point of view or it's just those people that love trash talking/spreading gossip and rumors to others that they know for some reasons. And when it comes to that friends part, it's actually hard to make friends nowadays... And honestly, my dad would pretty much agree with me nowadays. Especially that I feel like animals would be better friends than some messed-up human beings out there! And we already have some animal friends at home at least. At the end of the day, there's like a part of me that hates going into dramas that makes my body go out of whack for a bit that I need to handle it better as long if the people aren't giving me too much pressure in situations like this that could be easy to get triggered sometimes.


  1. You need to understand they you have foreigners in your Facebook group and your post sometimes sounds like patronizing (especialy you often response with DUH! Which for you might be normal but for others souns a little disrespectfull) and seems you lose your patience for explainig in details. You need to ask yourself why you created this group. Do you want all people also new one who just stared journey with punirunes or only experienced users who knows all about them. If first one - no need to be angry at people for not reverse searching for images and translate from chinese. If all people knew everything what is the point of this group? I knows that you felt hurt and it is nice that you said sorry in Facebook post but here it seems like you think you have been wronged because it is your group.

    1. Well, I basically created the Punirunes group for everyone basically no matter if they're old or new users coming in... And you know, I do try to have patience as I can for some people out there at times. Even I'm not surprised that I have people from overseas joining into my one group honestly.

  2. My bad it should be japanese intead chinese (I gues I am too much in tamagezi world right now).


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