Saturday, November 30, 2024

More Old Edits...

 I feel like I'm gonna repost these onto my blog as well since I already had that Luminary Tears and Animaniacs (mainly Yakko) one on here...

Even I'm copying and pasting my stuff that was originally onto Facebook with those descriptions like this one here:

"I know that quality isn't that good here but this one features some stock art here along with the shapes (the star, heart and diamond) that were used for my signature from my drawings that I've kept since the middle 2010's. It also looks better in-person rather than taking a picture of it from my American 3DS' own screen from the phone. This was also zoomed out on my 3DS."

Here's this one: "Ah, Blingee... Credits to whoever made that Wakko GIF while using that pose from the 'King Yakko' cartoon. Even with the background with the bubbles isn't mine either."

"Just a Google Slide that I've made at the time and of course, these two pics are from the very first episode of the OG show."

And that's just about it.

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