Sunday, November 24, 2024

Random Ideas & Unpopular Opinion Time...

 When it comes to Wakko's Wish, I know it's been a while ever since I worked on that AT (alternate timeline), but I feel like I've been having conflicted thoughts like I should keep working on it no matter what anybody says on the internet or just drop it all together and move on to other things in mind. 

But then there's this:

And I know that I already did this one if Avenger Chuck would've replaced Pip from that movie that you can check out this post if you want to:

As much I would love to see Avenger Chuck play Pip's part in some way, I would love to see characters that I can actually root for rather than the Warners from that movie. For those that don't know about on how I don't root for the Warners as much, that's because that ending spoiled it for me, I mean, Dot gets a "cutie mark" that seems selfish at worse when she was supposed to be getting a freakin' operation (despite it was an act after all this time and never was truly sick to begin with), Yakko wasting his wish on a mime who was meant to be nice despite bad stuff keeps happening to him throughout the movie (and I already know that was part of the "joke" for the mime within the OG show as the narrator would say something and the mime would do whatever the narrator says so as after that, bad stuff happens to him) but I felt like this movie was just mean spirited to that harmless mime as he did nothing wrong at all that I just felt bad for and Wakko purely wasting his two Ha'pennies on the Lakers (pretty nonsensical stuff that shouldn't be there in my book), buying lots of food, and paying for Dot's operation. Plus, if you want to find more of my ramblings about the Wakko's Wish movie, you can look on my blog about that movie since I already made a review on it!

As for this version of the movie to called instead of Wakko's Wish will be called: "Chuck E.'s Chance". As for a bit of recasting here, Jasper would've taken Yakko's place, Helen would've taken Dot's place and Chuck E. would've taken Wakko's place. Even I feel like Mr. Munch would've taken Ralph's place as Ralph's the police guard in that movie. As for Pasqually though, he might've taken a few roles in that movie such as the baker (played by that one guy who was in that Schnitzelbank song as I'll call him "Dr. Otto" for short as that last name is pretty long to type out for sure honestly) and the French cook who appeared in that "I've Got a Ha'Penny" song that got a single line to sing solo. As to make Pasqually more active in this movie he somewhat also takes the place of Baron von Plotz (AKA Mr. Plotz) despite he doesn't do anything wrong unlike Plotz did and would most likely hitch a ride with Mr. Munch to get to the wishing star.

Speaking of the wishing star, that'll be kept like the OG movie had... Aside from the wishing star, there'll be some differences as I already brought up a few of them in a way but, there's honestly much more! The cast will be shorten down, the approximately of minutes will be shorted down to at least 50 minutes as I'm assuming of, the songs will be different in a way alongside getting rid of them (especially like most of the reprises on what I'm thinking so far), Jasper, Helen and Chuck E. wouldn't be "true royals" as they would most likely be pretending to be royal rather than be royal-blooded, Helen would tell Chuck E. that she doesn't need an operation at all as she was "stress sick" that's a mix between the cold weather affecting her sinus problems and her worrying about the future as she and Chuck E, wouldn't be together someday, that's why Chuck worked his butt off to get a token for some months so he, Helen, Jasper, Mr. Munch and Pasqually can have a brighter future on their hands.

Instead of living in Acme Falls, they would simply live at Constantinople in the medieval times. So no Warnerstock and Ticktockia merger joke on Warner Communications and Time Inc. on how the characters lived poor. To me, that "joke" didn't went that far as the movie went on and I didn't care if it was "clever" or not. Besides that, instead of Baron von Plotz taking the token away like he did with Wakko's one Ha'penny, there would be some guard as it's one of the king's guardsmen that Chuck doesn't know about at first as one of the sheriff  (who's pretty much like the "Sheriff of Nottingham from Robin Hood in a way) who had a plan to "barrow" his token to see if Chuck would be that gullible to get his way and would succeeded by actually taking the token for taxes without telling the taxes part to him as it was meant to be for Chuck's future along the way (thus becoming a lie after a while as "The  Constantinople Sheriff" would sneakily steal Chuck's token to please the king as when Chuck realized that it was gone, he was pretty upset that it happened that way).

And just like within Wakko's Wish in a way, Chuck wished upon a star as it would brighten up his and his friends' own potential futures someday. On that same rough night, a "Grand Wish Fulfilment Fairy" came into his home miraculously! I know, I know the writing on here is pretty random as I'm trying to get these thoughts out at a random time... But that, "Grand Wish Fulfilment Fairy" would've been "Weird Al" Yankovic for me. And it would've been awesome to see "Weird Al" interacting with the Chuck that I tend to love the most though.

Just like Wakko by the end of the special, he receives two tokens to help his friends including himself big time on what they need that ironically also helps out everybody within the town as the taxes aren't so expensive in the end. Oh, should I mention that King Salazar will be included on this version? He's mainly like himself in Wakko's Wish but stronger in a way. Even I can just imagine Helen trying to flirt off with King Salazar or one of his guardsmen that  would make Chuck blush about it as if she is like ignoring him (especially for their future that Chuck doesn't wanna see that get ruined despite Helen is already self-aware about him in general). When it comes to the flirting, it's basically Helen's strong suit just like Dot's cuteness is. Not to mention that Chuck would be shy throughout the special as he tries to bring up on what he tries to help Helen but isn't totally afraid to speak up whenever he sees Helen not doing well with her health.

Anyway, I feel like that's all the random ideas to rebrand this Animaniacs movie into an "Cool/Avenger" era mini movie. It'll still be a musical like the OG movie was but only shorted down with the runtime like I said before. And I also thought of that avalanche might be better as Chuck, Jasper and Helen riding on those boards like surfing through the waves would've been more cooler and fun to watch rather than the Warners doing it!

If only it was animated like the OG movie was and not using people in costumes would've been great.

Link to Pinterest template being used and of course, it's NOT mine as I don't have an Pinterest account at the moment:

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