Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What If Avenger Chuck Replaces Pip in That One Scene from Wakko's Wish?

 While I did like Pip in that 'Chairman of the Bored' cartoon, this appearance from in the movie feels like a watered-down version of that one scene where Wakko and him where shaking hands together that Wakko also made that "Tim Burton-esque" face. And yes, it's nice to see Pip again in some way but nowadays, I feel like this kind of role for him doesn't suit him at all that feels like he's more boring than the Fairy Godmother from Disney's Cinderella (1950) or that Blue Fairy from Disney's Pinocchio (1940)! I mean, why not jazz it up and make the "fairy/angel" kind of character to be a bit more fun like someone who's like a mix of Robin Williams's take on the genie from Aladdin and Kuzco from the Emperor's New Groove, maybe? Well, this is what I came up with after watching two official CEC commercials on how Chuck was portrayed as a genie recently, and honestly, he's way better than Pip when it comes down to wish granting stuff! Or in my opinion at least.

But at the same time, he won't appear in my AT rewrite of the movie that I'm still likely to be working on and he would somewhat clash with Stella Armstrong for some of their similarities together so, Pip's gonna be kept in my AT rewrite after all. Not to mention that this AT rewrite that I've been working on by myself was in the works before I got obsessed with CEC back then. 

Anyway, probably this version of the scene would've been a better scene than what we actually got! Nuff said.

Original template: What if character Replaces Character in Scene by BTNFStudios on DeviantArt

P.S. And I know that template looks awfully generic in my opinion, but I had to use it anyway just to simply get this out of the way for tonight in my time zone.

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