Thursday, November 21, 2024

What If Avenger Chuck E. Cheese Replaces Bluey Heeler in That Strictly Come Dancing Segment From 2024's BBC Children in Need?

 No offense to Bluey of course, but I feel like that stage was definitely made for that version of Chuck that I'm obsessed with at the moment. And how you (AKA BBC as I'm referring to here) did NOT invite him to the party if you gonna have a stage and colorful dancers like that? Just because he isn't relevant anymore and not as popular compared to "Bluey" nowadays? And not to mention that he's considered to be "retired" version of the character as CEC Entertainment doesn't use him ever since back in later 2012 but man, I would've loved to see that animated version of Chuck back like within those commercials back in the day. After all, he's no stranger to a live-action setting!

As for the song that played within the segment, it was "Land of 1000 Dances/Land of a Thousand Dances" as it's such a fun song to listen to. Especially that I grew up with the Ferngully version of the song and loved the Wilson Pickett version over the years. Even Chuck's version of the song (that was used for the "Chuck E. Live!" stuff back in the early 2000's) was pretty fun as well! But too bad that the version that they picked just wasn't a great cover in my book and that felt disappointing in a way to me as the key of the song wasn't the same compared to some other versions out there and it basically was such a meh female cover of the song that I've ever heard of so far. And this is one of those main reasons some other versions like the Munch's Make Believe Band version from the 2000's is so much better to me as they could've had Chuck in there singing his version of the song alongside dancing with those other dancers on screen. Not to mention that I feel like he should dress differently than sticking with that 90's neon fashion skateboarder look for some reason (especially blending in well with the other dancers to give him an exclusive outfit to wear on that show). Even I would love to see him wear a fedora (that isn't too big on him) for a show like this!

Only in alternate universe, I guess.

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