Thursday, December 12, 2024

I Feel Like I Got Harassed By A Priestess Creep...

 Yeah... While I may not be Christian or heavily religious, I can NOT stand people manipulating me to do things their way whenever I feel uncomfortable! 😠 

This is why I had to bring up this Maya Reginald lady who invaded my privacy into my PMs for some reason (like a few days ago as I'm writing this out) that acts like the universe sent her here to "help me". Pfft... I don't think the universe itself would sent out creeps to invade other people's privacy (no matter if it's online or in real life) for sure. More like her boredom sent her there! I mean, was she that bored as she was mediating?! I guess so. Heck, she even wanted to "believe the universe" her freaking way when I wasn't feeling like I was okay with her still. While the conversation started out "normal" in a way but as time went on a little bit, she was starting to ask for something that I wasn't ready for at all (and I'm very glad she never asked me for naked photos of myself but I still wanna protect my body as possible over strangers online). And it feels like she wanted me to force this kind of relationship as possible to be like a friend and spiritual mother when we already just chatted on the very same day...

And here are some screenshots to get more of a peek to see on what I'm talking about...

Not to mention that she acts like a "know-it-all" to me on how our family is. But my family being jealous over me? Eh... I feel like it's a bit more of a complicated answer than that! Especially on how some of them are egotistical à la "It's all about me and it's not about you!" kind of mindset that they're on.

And this is where that I feel like she started to be a bit of a creep on me...

Pftt... Don't worry about me lady (if you're actually reading this, Maya)! You're the one that's wasting your own time alongside with my own time in my PMs that I hate to say it honestly. And when it comes to this spiritual awakening journey thing here, I feel like I'm just better off on my own without somebody forcing me to do something their way if that's the case. As for the ancestral curse/generational curse though, I could try to learn from their mistakes on how NOT to be like them for myself (and so did my mom and dad throughout their own lives honestly).

And there's also this screenshot here... 

You know, I didn't like on how she said that to me like if she "knew me". It feels creepy onto somebody like that as it really screams like a red flag to me. After all, I don't allow trespassers on my own journey (especially if they're willing to control me as I'm feeling already uncomfortable during in a situation like this in a similar way). But thank gosh I blocked her since she was giving me bad vibes as she disrespected my boundaries and denied my feelings about the right hand part of my palm that I didn't want to show her at all. Heck, she also was giving me anxiety like I needed to rub the backside of my neck (in real life) as I was taking to her back then!

As I'm going to be off-topic in some way here, I just recently found out that Joshua (AKA the creator of Muppet History) is indeed a sexual harasser as AniMat on his "Crazy Cartoon Cast" did provide new information about the popular fan page across social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X) as Joshua is seeking out professional help through a therapist that I'm glad to see on how he wants to make himself better within the future without being a sexual harassing fool out of himself ever again towards to his own fanbase (that are mainly adult women that he's targeting to) that is also quite a part of the Muppet community. And I just wanted to mention that real quick as I'm about to end off this post right here.

P.S. If Maya is actually targeting children or other older people with this kind of manipulative mindset like this, then I feel really sorry for those people if she's actually randomly picking through people on the internet as she's simply just mediating as that I feel like it's a pretty unhealthy thing to do (as she isn't respecting other peoples' own boundaries and barely knows who they're actually are in real life). Even I'm not including every message on here since this is just another "rant post"on this very blog but just get the important ones out the way so you can see it within a better light here.

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