Saturday, December 21, 2024

MINI RANT: Is That Admin Actually Protecting A Content Thief?!?

 And this is about a certain Sailor Moon FB page that's stealing content at some point and I feel like the admin is just "protecting" that page as I tried to call out that page in some way. 😕

You know that admin from that one Sailor Moon group (not Kelly Ferguson's group or neither the Sailor Moon Unlimited one) but from THIS one that I'm talking about right here:

Oh, speaking of that "Sailor Moon Unlimited" group (not the FB page), I'm glad that they finally blocked the page (just a few days ago as I'm writing this out) for being accused of an content thief! As I was saying, that certain Sailor Moon FB page that straight up steals content that I'm talking about is: "Sailor Moon World" in this very case. Not only that they would steal other peoples' content without credit (like for fanarts as an example) that would also straight up stole descriptions from the OG posts by those people without making up their own written sentences! And of course, Sailor Moon related FB pages like Sugar Pink Posting called them out along with somebody else that I'll provide the proof of those linked posts there...

Here's the one that the FB page got called out for within that Sailor Moon Unlimited group:

And here's Sugar Pink Posting's post that does include that "Sailor Moon World" page within one of their memes:

Oh, should I even mention that that freakin' Sailor Moon World page stole Sailor Moon Unlimited's FB description?

Yep, on top of the content thief of it all, they even had to stole that as well. And how freakin' hard is to make your own little original description without stealing anyone else's for instance?!? Man, that's honestly just a really lazy and unoriginal thing to do like that.

Aside from that, here's the call out comment that I've made within that one group:

And this is what I get afterwards?!? Just to be called: "AnNOYiNG" and be suspended from commenting and posting from there?!? To me, that doesn't sound good at all when I simply tried to call out this freakin' page as I was just saying about it if they actually stole those Sailor Moon edits from somewhere else just to make sure. But of course, they're already a content thief that won't do anything whenever they get called out for from what I've seen so far. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ And if that admin is actually "protecting" that fake page to stay in the group, I gotta say that freakin' admin is a jerk if they ever want to call me "annoying" like that. But hopefully, that admin of the group knows that one page is a pure content thief someday! Because I feel like that page should be banned from that group as well (if they keep on stealing other peoples' content from various sources they come across without credit and whatnot).

As for the post that I commented on, it's this one that I'll link here:

And hopefully, that Sailor Moon World page actually changes into something a bit more original for the better or gets deleted if the content theft really gets that bad to handle with...

Moral of the story: Make your own content or else! Especially on using somebody else's own content like fanart and many other stuff out there that weren't yours in the first place that at the very least you gotta credit/mention 'em with/without permission (or even say something like: "This photo wasn't mine." as an another example).

🌙🎀  ~End of post~🌙🎀

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