Thursday, March 6, 2025

MINI RANT: Oh God No... Is She Like A Real Life Caillou?!? 😟😔🤦‍♀️

 Warning: A whiny, childish and toxic Looney Tunes "fan" incoming... So yeah, you better be prepared on what you're gonna read here.

Despite that title could be an exaggeration at some point, but oh boy, this person that I'll be talking about reminds me of on how many DA artists who would call some people out there as "fanbrats" for being obnoxious and immature at the same time (especially towards to the ones that they've REALLY hate with a burning passion for some reasons) and it also reminds me of Caillou's infamous "bad behavior" that a lot of people seem recognize to this very day. And to me, I would have to go with the Caillou part as I feel like it isn't that off like this person is giving me those kinds of vibes.

As for what this situation is about on how I encountered this LT "fan" is through one of my posts in a certain FB group on where I've posted my PaRappa styled Warners at:

Plus, things will be uncensored like the profile pics showing up as I already took the screenshots at the time as I wanna get this post out of the freakin' way...

But anyway, here's how the conversation played out:

I should state three fanarts in that one comment but, whatever.

Ooh, those last two comments that April made were really oozing that "Caillou-like" tantrum on me. Look, I get it that she likes Looney Tunes, but my god that this freakin' attitude is annoyingly horrible for her look (especially towards to my fanarts as that to me, make me feel happy)! But good thing that I've blocked her (as I ended that conversation on where the last screenshot was at the time) so she can feel "happy" for staying in the group as she likes and as for me, I'm happy that I don't have to deal with her again! After all, it's much better to scroll away and be respectful about it rather than having an inappropriate reaction on somebody's art piece no matter if it's the laughing one (especially if the art is totally not meant to be in a humorous tone), sad emoji (unless if that art piece does make you emotionally sad depending on how appropriate the art piece is in that sad kind of tone), or getting angry (unless if it's one of those art pieces that might be offensive for your taste like some underaged character getting the NSFW/R34 treatment that's way too much as an example).

Heck, if other artists were concerned about getting unnecessary/inappropriate reactions as I do somewhat remember somebody who didn't like their art along with other people's art as they were getting laugh reacts on their posts within a certain "free base" group (as I could remember like months ago as they've posted that as I also really can't remember who posted it back then on the top of my head), why can't I if that's the case? But anyway, it's my art and I'm in control here as long I'm not hurting anybody or doing other dumb things in mind. Therefore, I'm not forcing anyone to like my art if they don't like it. And that's totally fine with me. But reactions like April's stunt was uncalled for and it's honestly one of the worst reactions that I've ever gotten so far. Plus, if you're gonna harass somebody if you don't like their art (especially whenever it's pretty harmless), then please don't as it won't be worth it at the end of the day.

~End of rant~

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