Friday, February 16, 2024

Is That So, Animaniacs Reboot? After All, You Did NOT Do Meta First!

Look, I'm not gonna complain about the "woke rage bait" that's been happening lately when it comes to the Animaniacs reboot mentioning the LGBTQ+ stuff within its own theme song that PinkNews (who called those people "bigots" while I think whoever wrote that news article should've called those people "anti-wokers" instead of that in my opinion) and Inside the Magic (in which it used to been a good site but turned into this horrible clickbait phenomenon with its own articles that's been going on for quite some time now) had its own article about it while calling the Animaniacs reboot a "Disney+ cartoon" when that isn't truly the case since it's a Hulu exclusive FIRST despite the 'Hulu Disney bundle' being a thing nowadays. Plus, I'm not gonna be Hulu calling the Animaniacs 2020 reboot a "Hulu original" when it's supposed to be a "Hulu exclusive" for some reasons since Animaniacs is a Warner Bros. property/IP in the beginning ever since the 90's.

And speaking of the reboot's version of the theme song, there is something that not a lot of people see to be talking about or even criticizing about in which I'll be talking about the "We did meta first." line after the reboot Warners when they said the trolls will say; "We're so passé". And back in 2022, I made a meme about that along with on how Dot said towards to Benjamin Franklin who was supposed to be taking inspiration rather than stealing their ideas for their inventions in the cartoon titled: "All About the Benjamin" from season 2. When Dot said this towards this guy, it made me reminded that one line within the reboot's theme song and yeah, it makes Dot (including her brothers) look like hypocritical arrogant jerks towards themselves once you look back at that version of the theme song. Not to mention that they likely disrespecting the legacy of Tex Avery and the Looney Tunes in general since they're like the inventors towards this kind of comedy decades ago! Plus, I should a mention a show that came out before Animaniacs ever did that was also quite a tribute towards to Looney Tunes did and came out in the early 90's as well... And that was called, Tiny Toon Adventures. Even the original Warners from the original show wouldn't claim meta humor as their own either!

Besides, here's the Facebook link towards the meme that I've created and screenshotted from Google Slides: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | Take that, Animaniacs reboot | Facebook

After all, whoever wrote this line in the reboot version of the theme song didn't know what they're talking about, or they didn't do their research properly in which that just isn't good writing at all, man. 😔 It's honestly sad that they've kept it after all this time.

"Come on, sibs! Let's go and teach our reboot counterparts on what they missed out on when it comes to great comedy done right." - Yakko Warner if he ever saw the reboot Warners from the future...

"RIGHT!" - Wakko and Dot said in unison after they listened to their big brother on what he just said.

Not gonna lie, "Super Strong Warner Siblings" was a great cartoon with a humorous parody of the Power Rangers at the time and it still is watchable and fun to this very day! 😊 Anyway, I just wanted to end off this rant with something a bit positive since the OG Animaniacs show tends to give me those vibes rather than Wakko's Wish or the reboot does at times.

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