Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Punirunes/Punirunzu Characters in 3D CGI

These were likely made for the anime and 'Punirunes PuniPlus' at the time. Not to mention that these are 'can badges' here with this first set that I'm gonna show first here. And I'm not including the ones that are from the anime like within the TV anime itself.

This first one is Kuurun.

Next up, this one's Ururun.

The one after that one is Raburun.

Aside from that is Enerun.

And lasty, this one's Airun!

Plus, the main gang is all here!

For this next section here, this is just the character stock images along with some backdrops and shadows for Raburun, Enerun, Kuurun, Ururun and Airun.

Now we have this sticker set called: 'Pukkuri PukuPuku Shiiru' and here's the best English translation that I can come up with here... In English, it's "Plumpy Lumpy Sticker". Not to mention that these stickers only come in a single bag for a single sticker like a blind bag honestly.

Characters that appear in order are: Airun, Raburun, Ururun, Kuurun, Enerun, Togerun, Babyrun (along with the Punirunes logo in Japanese), Hapirun, Bakerun, and Pikarun.

This is their profile pic on the official Punirunes' Twitter account, and I wished they had a Facebook account too. 🥺

Anyway, here's the main gang again with this one!

And next up, we got the hair ties featuring the main gang!

Aside from those, we got this leather book while Airun and Kuurun have different poses along with the rest of the gang!

 And that's basically it for this post, and I know I was supposed to a "MyChara Yakko" post coming soon (even that will be still coming by the way), I'll be making another post about Punirunes with an English translation on how they grow. So, see you later next time!

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