Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Three Traced Drawings of Yakko Warner...

 Another post dedicated to one of my favorite male characters that I certainly had a crush on back when I was a teen! Plus, I still love him to this day (but not in a sexual creepy way) honestly. Anyway, here's a few traced drawings back in the middle/late 2010's that I did.

First up, we got this traced stock art of Yakko that WB hasn't used in a while since the 90's lately...

Next up, we got two Yakkos in two yellow-colored silhouettes along with the background being gold colored and there's also two stars that I tried to squeeze in there.

And lastly, here's this one that Yakko's getting a nice big bear hug! D'aww! 😊

Before I end off this post, here's the Facebook links if you want to hear more about more stuff when it comes to these drawings here...

1: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | I know that Yakko's legs maybe somewhat off here but with this one, this one's traced off of a certain Mickey Mouse coloring page | Facebook

2: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | And lastly, here's two Yakkos into one drawing since the one on the right is from 'Super Strong Warner Siblings' while the other one is just stock art... | Facebook

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