Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Few Animaniacs x THE iDOLM@STER Traced Drawings...

 Ah yes, two of my favorite things that I still love to this day! First up, here's Wakko in the 'Palace of Dragon' costume that's for the SMOKY THRILL song. And of course, the pose is from Wakko's Wish.

Here's Dot wearing an exclusive costume that's made for Azusa from THE iDOLM@STER OFA (ONE FOR ALL) game along with her song called: 'Koi Kokoro'. Not to mention on how Dot's been partially traced is that this came from an official coloring book rather than fanart honestly. P.S. Even I already copied and pasted my statement from Facebook before I give those links... And speaking of those links, here they are!

1: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | Oh yeah, Animaniacs and THE iDOLM@STER | Facebook

2: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | Here's Dot wearing an exclusive costume that's made for Azusa from THE iDOLM@STER OFA (ONE FOR ALL) game along with her song called: 'Koi Kokoro' | Facebook

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