Saturday, March 16, 2024

An Old Meme Based on My Wakko's Wish Rewrite (AKA Wakko's Wish AT/Alternate Timeline) + Updates About Some Things Like Stella Armstrong's Character, Etc...

The original meme template made by this guy on DeviantArt: 10 Way I Would Fix Blank by CaptainWHaddock on DeviantArt

The Facebook post all the way back in May 2022: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | Here are the ten ways that I would've fixed Wakko's Wish | Facebook

After all, I still stand by some of the things that I've said within this old meme honestly but, I'm going to change some things within this meme for some reasons.

For 5, many of the townsfolks in Acme Falls will still have their casual wear shown throughout the movie as they were in the original version of movie (aside from the Warners, that is).

For 6, Stella probably wouldn't the want the Warners to become idols right away as the movie comes to end since it might be a little too much for them but, she wants them to be who they are as she remembers them including their own selves on how they remember each other.

For 7, the Warners become royal blooded accidentally due to the writers themselves added it in for the theme of the story that they're in. And Stella doesn't want their parents being shown on how it will play out just like in the original version of the movie. Even the Warners don't plan to move out on everyone in Acme Falls right away since they don't want to leave them behind.

For 8, Dr. Sratchansniff does make the elixir happen, but Stella suggests taking it easy towards to the kids like the Warners, Skippy Squirrel, and Mindy due to alcohol that COULD be in there. 

And for 10, it was just for a bonus if any of the Looney Tunes or Tiny Toon Adventures characters that could appear in the movie that I thought just for fun, but I feel like they wouldn't appear in this AT unfortunately. 

With those recent changes aside, the rest of it will still be the same as I said within this meme back then. In relation towards this meme about on how Stella wanting the Warners to become idols and whatnot, here's my recent thought about it on why I changed it...

"Here is this change that I thought of recently... Instead of Stella wanting to the Warners to be idols right off the bat for the end of the movie along with moving out of Acme Falls, she wants them to be who they are even if it’s without their royalty heritage or get a Hollywood star at the “Walk of Fame” someday whenever the gang gets back to their original homes mainly in Burbank, California (for most of the cast at least). Her original main goal of the Warners becoming idols is somewhat scrapped within the AT (since the character creator thought it was a bit of a self-insert thing to do so) but the idea tends to pop up in Stella’s mind like once or twice throughout the film’s AT. And when it comes to Stella using her magic, she wasn’t that perfect at first but got better on developing her magic throughout the years until she met the Warner siblings while time traveling since she has a mission on her mind to complete that’s all for them and for herself. Plus, the rest of the two bio pages stay the same so far."

With that one detail about her out of the way, here's more about her character!

"Not only she’s a witch, she’s also a time traveler, a critic, and a big fan of the Warners! She can be a mentor for the Warners as well. Because she made Wakko realize working for a ha’penny for an entire year is utterly useless when you can have modern money like a bag of money instead, she made him upset that made him look like a fool when she’s trying to teach him a lesson in the end. Dot also felt ashamed of herself that her acting was much weaker than she thought when Stella knew she wasn’t sick at all and critiqued about the lame jokes that Dot made about her “acting lessons”. Even Yakko wished for his siblings and himself to get diagnosed for poor acting skills or the writers need a diagnosis for their poor writing skills instead if they can’t think of anything uniquely impressive for their movie. King Salazar is the only character to believe throughout the entire movie that Stella might be more of a villain than him since she’s a witch that has witchcraft while Mr. Crazy Person (or the "Captain of the Guard" in this movie) and the other guardsmen are frightened by her neither way when she’s actually not a villain and isn’t threatening/harming anyone with her witchcraft at all. The folks who live in Acme Falls are scared of Stella at first but, they got used to her later on when they learn the surprising news that the Warners learned the truth the hard way! They also learned about Stella being one of the first witches that actually traveled through time and isn’t your average evil kind of witch but a good witch that wants to help out the Warners so they can deserve a better future on their hands. Pip who plays the “fairy godfather” in the movie feels jealous about Stella when he could only grant one single wish for Wakko to chase out there till the sun rises in the morning while Stella grants Wakko anything he wants like meeting Don Knotts, a whole table of food, getting him new clothes, etc.  just by a single zap of a finger of a second or two anytime. Stella has a backstory about herself being an orphan as a young child who used to be an introvert that also learned witchcraft and other good witches that were part of her family overtime until she was a teenager in the middle of the story. P.S. Stella is from the future and not from the past."

Plus, here's one of her quotes that I personally wrote that might be used in the script of the AT!

“If DuckTales knows how to rewrite history, so can I!” - Stella said while confronting the Warners.

Not to mention that Stella Armstrong herself is a bit more of her own character rather than entirely based off of myself (aside from making her a virtual character on Facebook that's more likely to be based off of myself there rather than this movie).

Next time when it's about this 'Wakko's Wish Rewrite' that's still in the making from myself, there'll be more stuff about Stella's character such as a character design, a bio, her mission (that you might've already figured that out for yourself), and the relationships towards to some characters! Oh, did I mention that there'll be some songs cut out in the AT version? Yeah, that'll be a thing too.

So, see you later next time!

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