Monday, April 15, 2024

PriPara 3DS & Switch Requests Are Open!

 Yes, not only I will take art requests based on the topics on what and what NOT I'll do if you ever look on the ride side of the site on some of those topics that I already have mentioned, but like the title says for this post, I'll be now doing requests from those PriPara games that I got so far.

So, here are the rules on what I'll NOT do first!

❌ Creating custom coords/coord pieces for other people (3DS games only since the Switch game AKA 'All Idol Perfect Stage!' doesn't have that option to create any custom coords.)

❌ Creating OCs (Original Characters) for other people

❌ Creating "MyCharas" based on characters from TV shows, movies, etc. that I dislike in my own opinion for other people

And here's the rules on what I'll do for you!

✔️ Choosing a character with a certain coord that you would like to see (This can apply to the Switch game since it has some of the official coords from the arcade game including some coords for the 3DS game called; 'Mezase! Idol Grand Prix No. 1' through Puri⭐Kore as well.)

✔️ Choosing a character wearing a custom coord made by me from any of the 3DS games! Look through my PriPara custom made posts to see my custom made coords if there's one that you want to see a certain character wear!

✔️ Possibly I'll create a "MyChara" based on a character from a certain TV show, movie and etc. that I'll like if the parts are available that I think that'll work.

With that said, if you want to send a request towards me, comment down below to see on what I can do for ya!

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