Friday, April 12, 2024

The "I'm You, But Stronger" Meme: The Two Yakkos Edition

 Take this meme as a silly meme and my own personal opinion since this meme isn't intentionally meant to offend the voice actor (AKA Rob Paulsen) behind the character's own voice at the time.

Before I get onto why I made this meme, I've been aware for a while now that some fictional characters out there (especially in cartoons) usually have "double voice" (or a "Non-Singing Voice" as TV Tropes would call it) for singing for some reasons. Whether it's Zoe Trent and Penny Ling from the 2012 Littlest Pet Shop cartoon or Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas movie, they all have that "double voice" somewhere.  

But Yakko didn't used to have that back in the original show's airing at the time and for me, I miss that... I totally missed that nowadays. But yet again, I can't change that since of course, you cannot change the past and it's basically out of my control to do so. 😞 And I swear man, that Jenny Butler artist made a post about me without even mentioning me on a platform that I don't freaking like (AKA Twitter if you can guess)! 😠 But who knows, she could be talking about someone else who has a similar interest as me. 🤷‍♀️ And I just had an interest of bringing back on the "old voice" on how it used to sound basically. And yeah, I know Yakko's voice sounded different in the first batch of episodes throughout season 1 but I'm excluding that to 'Yakko's World','Yakko's Universe' or 'Be Careful on What You Eat' at some point since he sounds more finalized like on how we would hear him in the later seasons. And if you've seen my other memes that are related to the reboot, you might've heard me ranting about on how I was disappointed with some of the songs from season one (not to be confused with the other season from the OG 90's show that I've mentioned).

Anyway, that's all I got to say on this certain meme for now and here's the link if you want it: The Warner Brothers & Warner Sister Dedication Group | I got inspired by other memes like this one to create my own version of the "Who are you | Facebook

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