Tuesday, April 30, 2024

💚 Updating Jupy Gluck's Old Bio! 💚

 Yeah, I originally made like some slides in Google Slides about her like in the early 2020's/late 2010's (circa 2019-ish) when she used to have the name: "Jupy Happy" but I took out the last name recently since I thought it was generic nowadays and replaced it with the word "Gluck" to make it a bit unique just like the first name was in a way. I know I already said that before when it comes to her last name but, I'm just saying it here for one last time. And speaking of those Google Slides, I'm gonna share 'em! Or at least most of them, I guess?

Anyway, here's the first slide!

For the 'Full Character Name' section, it's now "Jupy Gluck" instead of "Jupy Happy" as I've already stated before along with the name being in Japanese as this now: "ジュピー・グラック".

Her birthday stays the same.

Her age is likely to be 18-ish as I've stated before in the previous posts on this very blog. And that's changed from this old bio.

Her signature stays the same, I guess?

The 'Heritage from Other Countries' section basically stays the same.

Of course, her gender stays the same!

And this is where that I reconfigure her personality here.

Things like being hungry, magical, lovely, careful, and entertaining aren't personality traits and being innocent is more of an Archetype. While I can still have those things in her character, and they're basically just describing her character than personality-wise.

So, here's a new list of her personality!

She's sweet, kind, shy, bashful, friendly, gentle, bright, cheerful, playful, innocent, and girly girl.

When it comes to the 'Family' section though, probably give me suggestions if you want me to see that get updated or not.

Now onto the next slide!

All I can say with this one that it stays the same? Jupy can also have her hair down or have it in pigtails as she wants. Perhaps I'm just not that good describing on what the character wears. 🤷‍♀️ Despite I'm trying my best here.

Onto the next slide coming up!

Despite not being a self-insert kind of character (that's more of Stella Armstrong's side I'll say), Jupy shares a lot of interests with me! And speaking of those interests, they basically stay the same. The same can said with the 'Dislikes' section along as well.

With this slide here, it's basically silly stuff on what I'm describing here:

And a part of that has to be changed because the "wavy lines" that do appear whenever Jupy's stomach growls isn't always 'pastel-colored' sometimes. It can be different colors rather than just that though. Other than that, this slide basically stays the same for the most part.

Aside from that slide, here's this one!

Don't know who originally created that pastel stars divider (in the middle) but I think it original came from DeviantArt if I'm not mistaken. But there's also Winnie the Pooh (right corner) and Proro Tear from Luminary Tears (left corner)! And this one basically stays the same.

And the last slide that I'm not going to show here for some reason is that I claim her to be cartoon and part anime/manga in her original bio.

I know that there wasn't a whole lot of updates here, but it's been a bit of a while that I had to update anything to her old bio while sharing the old slides. And like I said, I don't mind suggestions to update more on her own character in the future! 

So, see you later next time!

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