Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I Don't Support AI NSFW Art...

 Conations a bit of swearing and some sexual stuff being mentioned for some reasons here... Sorry about that. 

After all, this is just my opinion mixed along with some facts I'll say right now. Anyway, there's been this Facebook page called; "PapelRol" who's MASSIVELY disrespecting one of the rules for this certain group called: "Miku Hatsune Is My Idol {Fans}" who posts NSFW content that's AI generated. Well, I'm not sure if this kind of content is blurred out for kids thought but, on my end, (since I'm actually a young adult here), I can really see them and I'm not buying it on how they got into this group. I mean, can this freaking "PapelRol" FB page post this kind of content somewhere else like PornHub or OnlyFans at least? And I just don't know why Facebook's not responding to this stuff, you know? 🤷‍♀️

Speaking of this one rule that I will say, this a screenshot of that one rule that's still up to this day as once you click/tap on the "See more" section along with a bit of scrolling, you'll get this saying:

Like this rule says, this group doesn't allow this kind of crap PERIOD! 😠 It only makes me think that these people in this one group that I'm in only care about Miku getting lewd-up as hell (when she's supposed to be freaking 16... fictional or not) rather than respecting the rules! When it comes to the admin(s) who said these rules, probably they're not as active as much as they're used to be since the group's been made like almost a decade ago that possibly allows pages like the "PapelRol" page to get away scot-free. So, I'm not sure if I wanna contact any of them through a PM at the moment. While it's true that the VOCALOIDs have been through with some suggestive stuff like that one song called: "Holy Lance Explosion Boy" sung by Kagamine Len, that infamous "Rabbit Hole" song sung by Miku (in which I haven't heard of that one as I'm writing this out) or even that "Pomp and Circumstance/Ifuudoudou" song sung by Luka, Rin, GUMI, IA, and Miku for a few examples that I can say, but throughout most of the time, they're not way TOO sexual at some point if I'm not mistaken here. Even with a few certain Hatsune Miku modules like the "Honey Whip" one for 'Sweet Devil', or the "Voilet Butterfly" one for "Hm? Ah, Yes. / E? Aa, Sou." that they did have some kind of those undertones as well.

But the thing is, I'm really not liking Miku wearing stuff that's a bit TOO kinky for her age or straight up being naked on screen. And don't get me started with those panties either! 🤮 Especially if it's AI generated bull crap on my screen. And I know I sounded like a bit of a hypocrite while mentioning most of the stuff that came out of the Project DIVA games but at least they weren't mostly "hentai-ish" according to my knowledge so far. At the end of the day, this is just a callout post to this kind of content being posted in that one group. So, see you later next time!

P.S. I can understand why some people can't stand AI art at times, but I don't fully agree that it can be "theft" though since I feel like not all AI visual generators don't scrape off random images off of the internet, but I can see that happening from what I've heard of so far. Plus, I'm totally against this kind of AI art honestly. Even I won't be posting AI art on this blog as much (despite I use to do it at some point, but I wanted to get back to drawing again in which I feel like has made me feel better about myself lately).

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