Saturday, June 8, 2024

What if Yakko Warner Sang That's All I Need?

 Just another one of those old photos that I got stored privately/limited to a few people until now...

After all, this is just one of those silly ideas that I had in mind, and I could imagine Yakko singing about on how he wants to get out of the water tower and do something fun unlike on how Timon's version as he somewhat sees himself as a potential snack for predators that he wants to get away from the hyenas and go to his dream home as he would like to have instead of getting eaten alive.

Original template:   What If This Singer Or This Character Sang This So by BTNFStudios on DeviantArt

P.S. It always been one of my favorite Lion King songs ever and Lion King ½ will always be one of the best DTV Disney sequels ever! Or at least to me, that is. And don't ask me on how I got that rainbow background though.

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