Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Few Shots of Avenger Chuck from the "Skee-Ball" Commercial...


One of my favorite aspects about Avenger Chuck is the "cartooniness" that he has for his animated form for this certain era and faces like these never fail to crack me up anytime! I also love the fact he can randomly pop out of a TV or even a computer once in a while! Plus, I would've backed off if I was ever that kid in the commercial to give Chuck's eyes some space there. 😂😆 *sigh* If only CEC didn't go on the CGI bandwagon along with redoing the main characters for a "whole new era" too soon. After all, I feel like the Avenger era had some missed potential like we could've gotten a full-on animated movie rather than the Galaxy 5000 movie that can be quite questionable at worst as a "children's movie" (I'll talk more about that certain movie one of these days but honestly, that movie will never be good compared to many of these commercials were unfortunately). 😐

Aside from that here's another Chuck for ya! 🙂👇

Love the thing that he does there! And I even do that too! 😊

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