Sunday, July 28, 2024

If WB Didn't Stole That "Evil Wakko" Face...

 It's basically my attempt that I recently did not too long ago as I drew an original face to take out the stolen fanart that WB is profiting off of and honestly, this face is more on par with Yakko and Dot's own faces if you took out the stolen face and replace it with this! If only that I could do Photoshop or use Pixlr at the moment but it's a bit too advanced for me. But if somebody uses this face to get rid of that stolen art out of the way, then I wouldn't mind it! After all, I feel like WB needs to hire me if they wanna play this stuff by tracing off somebody's own fan work that looks "off-model" and especially fan-made compared to the original stock art pieces.

Maybe we should make this a trend at some point? I dunno...

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