Saturday, July 27, 2024

What If Avenger Chuck Sang Inside Out?

Since I notice that Chuck can sing in some certain musical minors of music as his voice can sing well and stuff like "Year 3000" and "Baby" both have that same kind of tone as this song that I already mentioned within the title of this post here.

I chose the 1985 vinyl on the right side since there's no single cover for the song itself and it's the only thing that I could find that's close to a single cover... Jasper or Helen might sing backup for Chuck in this one but it's mostly gonna be Chuck singing the song by himself.

Even though it isn't one of Phil Collins's greatest hits that never got a music video release, but to me, it's quite a song to listen to as I would recommend it if you've never heard of it.

After all, I just thought to myself that Chuck would sing this kind of song if he ever had another song to sing that's from Phil Collins aside from a Disney song that I already picked out (and that being "Son of Man" from Tarzan that Phil Collins also did).

Original template: What If This Singer Or This Character Sang This So by BTNFStudios on DeviantArt

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