Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bugs Bunny Playing Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd

 "Quite spoiled, isn't she?" - possibly Bugs Bunny

Since I recently saw this in one of those groups that I'm in, I had to make this for myself! And when it comes on where the template originally came from, I feel like I did remember that commercial for the "Lost in Time" game on what "321SPONGEBOLT" said in the original FB post who originally made the template that was posted onto Facebook. 

Wished the TV screen came out better as I paste the image on there despite the fact that I know Facebook doesn't have transparency to format the images like that thus getting a white background instead.

The image shown on the TV screen is just a playthrough of the "World is Mine" song. It's also something that I posted differently rather than talking about "Avenger" Chuck constantly on this blog lately.

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