Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Bunch of Avenger Chuck Stock Art

A lot of them are from as a bunch of these are in low-quality that I found so far...


Just his face:

Stock art that that's commonly used for merchandise, was partially used for a certain commercial and for a certain online game at the time: 

This was used for one of the decals for the "Chuck E. Cheese's Sketchbook" game:

Him playing guitar:

Riding on skateboard:

Playing golf:

Playing football:

Riding in his car (that I'm sure that not a lot of people talk about it):

Blowing a party horn:

And it's just him being him again:

Probably I'll AI upscale some of them in the future maybe...?

And here's this one that isn't just simple coloring stock art unlike those other ones!

Can't I say that his face is so cute? Not to mention that he's just precious in some way... At least to me.

Fun Fact: A lot of this stuff (like I said before for that one pic) has appeared in merchandise and whatnot.

🟢🟡🟢 End of post~ 🟢🟡🟢

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