Thursday, September 26, 2024

Falling Piano Animation Error Edit

 In one of those recent screenshots that I posted about the "Falling Piano" commercial from the "Avenger" era of CEC, I recently realized Chuck's right arm was mistakenly colored as his leg and arm pad colors! But that isn't the first time something like that happened, if you look at the "Cool Dad" commercial, he briefly has a set of teeth for a moment (that he isn't supposed to be drawn with his mouth like that until the Rockstar era became a thing) as that "dad" in the commercial was playing that music loudly and within the "Cool Mom" commercial, his nose is placed wrong as it would be correct on Mickey Mouse to draw his nose like that before it was back on being fixed as Chuck gave out that freaked out expression on the lady's "spiky cool hair".

The OG screenshot that I've taken:

The edit made on Pixlr:

Just a quick, simple fix that it took for me to within a minute or two. That's all.

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