Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Found Another Surfing Chuck + Bonus Pic!

 Since summer's about to end soon on where I live at, I finally found another one of "Avenger" Chuck surfing without his cap on or barely wearing anything on his feet! But this time, it's from one of those rare comics that feature Chuck and his friends that you don't usually find nowadays.

On this magazine cover, they basically did redo his hair on how it looks and the clothes that he wears that are likely the same thing on the one Guatemala promotional image along with the surfboard itself.

I assume while the surfing Chuck was the back cover and this skateboarding Chuck is on the front!

Yeah, had to include it in here since these images were originally from eBay and not mine at all. Not to mention that I already posted him with one of those official stock arts on where he was doing that.

Links to other posts similar to this one...

Link 1:


Link 2 (Oh, I should mention the ones were more likely temporary tattoos rather than stickers that I've said within that one post.):


Link 3:


Just posting those links if you're that lazy to search on this very blog. 🟢🟡🟢 Also end of post... 🟢🟡🟢

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