Thursday, September 19, 2024

What If The Avenger Era of MMBB Replace the 2020 Reboot Warners In Suffragette City?

 Yep, I'm bringing the whole gang together rather than Chuck alone this time! And in my opinion, this cartoon TOTALLY deserves as rewrite done right! On what I didn't say in my one previous post about five ways I could fix that cartoon that the OG Warners would appear as background characters specifically than the reboot versions. 

Just ignore that little bump on the bottom right corner since I was covering up that activate watermark thing from my mom's one computer there. 

Also added the white shadows to the 2020 reboot Warners since I didn't want them to blend in within the background.

Original template:

Here are two links if you wanna check out more about this one idea that I got (especially that "5 Ways I Could Fix..." one):

Hot take (if you already know this by now): The Animaniacs reboot treated the Warners dirty just like in a similar way on what they did to Chicken Boo in that "Good Warner Hunting" cartoon. And for me, the "why we can't have nice things" ties in pretty well when it comes to this reboot.

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What If The Avenger Era of MMBB Replace the 2020 Reboot Warners In Suffragette City?

  Yep, I'm bringing the whole gang together rather than Chuck alone this time! And in my opinion, this cartoon TOTALLY deserves as rewri...

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