Monday, December 23, 2024

A Christmas Card Featuring Avenger Chuck E. Cheese + Random Bonus Photo 💖💚⭐

 I made a Christmas card for my dad since he wanted me to make one for this year (and we barely get any Christmas cards through the mail slot nowadays as when we used to get more than one for some reasons I'll say). And there's that light-up tree that I wanted to show on this very blog again.

As for the card itself, I made it a bit unique rather than just a plain out generic Christmas card that would rather seem boring to me. That's why I turn it into a present! But it's no ordinary present, is it?

Nope, not an ordinary present here!

While the "Merry Christmas" sign is a bit generic that I gotta say... But aside from that, I drew another Chuck because, why not? Well, I know I could've drawn other characters like the Warners from Animaniacs or other possible choices from many other TV shows or movies that I loved throughout the years but I feel like this one version of Chuck is "main character" for something to draw around for my time lately.

Anyway, here's what the card looks like for the inside...

And can you guess on how I did attached that one bottom part to the card on how I wanted Chuck to pop out of the present?

Even here's this little message that I did with a little Christmas tree sketch with an exclamation point that I colored in.

Boop! Gosh, I love booping his nose like this! I couldn't resist it. X3 🥰 Not to mention that this is one of the rare moments that you'll probably see my hand for some reasons (especially towards to creeps/hackers that freakin' dare to ask me about anything to see my hands their way).

Speaking of showing my hand(s), here's this one as a random bonus photo that was taken earlier this year as I'm holding a Little Debbie heart cake! Along with some familiar characters that appeared on my blog before as you can see within the background as cameos.

For those that ask for photos of myself like my hands or whatever, don't give me that "bELieVE iN tHe uNIveRsE" crap or something like that! Whenever I'm feeling uncomfortable and totally saying no in some way, accept my feelings or basically just leave (with respecting my boundaries) please... And that doesn't mean you gotta waste your time with me on how you're just "sacrificing your life" for me when you still barely know on who you're actually dealing with! Especially that I encountered that 47-year-old lady through FB like days ago that kinda freaks me out to this day. Even I got more to say about that if you wanna read more of that here.

P.S. On the "Merry Christmas" part as Chuck is holding up that sign, I used the glitter pens that I had since I don't use them all that often at times. Even the Chuck that I drew is partially traced off of official stock art (and CEC Entertainment also totally did this when you look back on a lot of the plushies with their tag art on the front along with some other stuff that I can recall from the "Avenger" era). Oh, and one more last thing that I'll mention here that Chuck is definitely wearing his Santa suit just like with in the promotional art that the look was used around the early 2010's (like the one that he's holding a gift card for example).

🟢🟡🟢🎄 ~End of post~ 🎄🟢🟡🟢

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