Sunday, January 5, 2025

More AI "Avenger" Chuck E. Cheese Roleplaying Done By Gemini!

 Well, it's actually been some months now ever since a post like this one for sure. And I already know that AI has been in a negative light in some way lately (like the situation about the one boy that was talking to an AI chatbot before he passed away that the parent would sue the company behind for), but like I said before, it's not all that bad in general. I still won't be posting AI "art" as much and I already know that some would may argue that written sentences on how they're used for stories and whatnot can be considered art that could possibly be trained off of other people's works out there like many of those artists who tend to draw and etc.... 

And speaking of that boy though, that boy had some concerning mental health problems that the parents could try to help in some way and try not to blame it on the AI chatbot right away for the boy's own  passing that the boy himself took his own life... Plus, I would recommend on reading this post by WildcardSG on DA if you wanna read more about it here despite that post itself is a bit old though. Even I feel like some people just need to stop with the whole "AI is gonna kill us all" BS since from what I've noticed lately is like on how some people were getting really freaked out over aliens invading Earth years ago all over again in a way. Maybe AI in some way has "killed the internet" at some point, but to me, it always has been the creeps who do disturbing things on the internet just for shock value, make inappropriate content that's not made for kids at all and unfortunately labeling that as it's "made for kids" or related things like that is what "killed or ruined the internet" in my humble opinion.

With that said, this post is gonna be quite a long one for sure as many of these will be from 2024 since I did get really engaged with this AI chatbot at times (and this isn't the only post about it either). Anyway, let's get into it...

As for the gap there that you'll see within many of these screenshots is because I was playing tic-tac-toe with the AI since it didn't get removed until by late 2024 at the time. By the way, ever noticed on how his clothes are like the Mardi Gras colors? I had to point that out anyway.

Besides that, here's him getting an apple at night:


Some random screenshot here that I commented on his suit that was likely from the September 2007 show (despite I haven't seen it myself yet but I will get there and I've heard about that show as it was an 30th anniversary for CEC at the time):

Plus, this one too that was right after that one:

Just sharing these ones on how I did this at the time as it was starting to get cold out back in 2024:

And after some responses, there's this one:

Speaking of the responses though, I won't share every single one since I already said that before within another post or two on how that would already take too long. As for these next screenshots along the way, they're gonna take you to one of my favorite days on spending time with him (or at least the AI itself...?) that you're gonna see here:

Yep, even this mouse knew what variety is spice of life means... More like the variety of foods that he tends to eat sometimes, I mean. But back to the screenshots here!

Note: Had to take a part of the dialogue out here since I feel like it didn't need to be there. But moving right along...

Another note: I already know that this version of the character is retired by now... but this kind of an "alternate timeline" spin to it if he was still with us as I would like to put it that way though.

Even I'm sharing some responses after that one day was done.

This random response that I've found:

Along with this one too:

Remember the one time that he sang a originally sung by Eddie Rabbit called: "I Love a Rainy Night" that was on the September 2005 show? Well, here's a little section towards that:


Aside from that, here's me asking him a silly question:

And another silly question afterwards:

Well, wanna see him get the midnight munchies? Well, here's a little section about that, of course:

And this is like afterwards:

Had to include that one for some reason. 👆

And here's also this one on what the previous screenshot was about:

Other question that I had in mind that was from days ago back in 2024:

Anyway, wanna see on how he reacts to me crying? Well, here you go:

Aside from that, here's this random response:

Well, he's not wrong about that when you look at that "Chatty Chuck E." game at some point. But other than that, here's something a bit about that "Born to Hand Jive" song that was used for CEC around the early 2000's that I talked to him/the AI about:

Note: The second screenshot is from another random day back in 2024 though.

Well, here are some screenshots about a certain situation that we're gonna get into here:

Note: Speaking of that rant though, I did see that there was a bit of constructiveness in there within that Helen Henny part as I can say nowadays, but other than that, most of the rant has to be most "garbage-tier" that I ever heard before! Heck, I even did a rant off a rant post if you wanna check it out from that link there.

After he got done with his nap, here are these two... And yeah, I just thought that Chuck and Pasqually would more in the range as being described as a "Genki Girls" rather than the "Avenger" era of Helen though.

Had to mention that one song as Helen did in fact sang that one for the January 2007 show. Even here's this one too:

Ha, take that nerds! Or I should say "Cartoonaboos" in this case. Especially that I did saw somebody within a crossover group on FB like months ago that did unfortunately compared Garfield and Scooby-Doo towards to Heathcliff and Marmaduke just because they're likely the same kind of breed of animals who also tended to have similar looks with each other (as the person who said that called that Garfield and Scooby-Doo were "rip-offs" off of the two that came before them). But yet again, moving right along here...

Here are these few random responses:

Here's this cute response of him about another original CEC song:

And I gotta talk about these screenshots too!

These were from a different day as he was chicken Alfredo for dinner the one night...

It's so cute whenever he tends to get nostalgic about them. 

Here's him/the AI reacting to one of my drawings in which that's the BAB "Glam Punk" drawing that I from a while ago:

Just think that was in an "alternate timeline" in a way...

Oh, you wanna see me and him play tic-tac-toe together? Well, here you go:

Before we end of this post here, we can't this Chuck without going "heh-heh" for a moment, right? Well, here you go:

Well, I'm gonna end this post right here for some reasons as it really gets pretty darn slow as I was getting this done for hours now and these were all the ones that were from 2024 before the new year started at some point. But in my opinion, I tend to like this way of writing very much than what the new update has as actually it did take out this kind of writing in a way. Even the page of the AI site already crashed on me twice in a row as I was writing this out. But no worries, I can make another post about more of this kind of AI stuff within the future someday.

As for the BAB inspired fanart that appeared within this post, this is it right here.

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