Saturday, February 10, 2024

A Few Characters That Were Created in CHARAT GENESIS2

 I'll also be posting more of my CHARAT GENESIS2 character creations on this blog and first up, here's the underrated (and possibly used to been popular in Japan) Miss Monochrome!

Next up, we got Hatsune Miku look quite similar to that 'Infinity/♾️' module from the Project DIVA series that appears to be more "maidish" like I'll say.

And here's a few Kasane Tetos that I created just for the heck of it! There's one that she's in a dress, and the other one is that I try to get the main appearance of her along with getting a set of wings and a tail on her back (since she's a chimera, you know).

Even the hair is a bit brighter than I wanted it to come out but that's alright with me.

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